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[英]Overloading of a non-member operator for a templated inner class

我无法弄清楚为什么编译器无法看到或使用operator<< ( std::ostream & os, typename A<T>::B const& b )

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T> 
struct A
    struct B
        std::vector<T> innervec;

   std::vector<B> outervec;

template <typename T>
auto operator<< ( std::ostream & os, typename A<T>::B const& b ) -> std::ostream& 
    for (auto e : b.innvervec)
        os << "\n\t" << e;

    return os;

template <typename T>
auto operator<< ( std::ostream & os, A<T> const& a ) -> std::ostream& 
    for (auto e : a.outervec)
        os << '\n' << e;

   return os;

int main()
   A<int> a;
   A<int>::B b1;
   A<int>::B b2;
   b1.innervec.push_back( 11 );
   b1.innervec.push_back( 12 );
   b2.innervec.push_back( 21 );
   b2.innervec.push_back( 22 );
   a.outervec.push_back( b1 );
   a.outervec.push_back( b2 );
   std::cout << a << std::endl;

在VC ++ 15上给出了以下错误:

error C2679: binary '<<': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'A<int>::B' (or there is no acceptable conversion)



错误是因为嵌套类型的重载包含非推导的上下文参数typename A<T>::B const& b ,对于不能提供显式模板参数T的运算符,您需要将运算符定义为嵌套的A<T>::B为:

template <typename T>
struct A
    struct B
        std::vector<T> innervec;
        friend auto operator<< ( std::ostream & os, B const& b ) -> std::ostream&
            for (auto e : b.innervec)
                os << "\n\t" << e;

            return os;

    std::vector<B> outervec;

有问题的部分是参数列表中的A<T>::B ,因为编译器不能推导出这种形式的类型表达式,因为成员B存在和类型依赖于T 我会直接将b参数的类型作为模板参数T ,并使用SFINAE来约束已接受的类型。


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