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[英]how to block ads with puppeteer, headless chrome

我正在寻找在node.js中使用伪造者(无头铬)时阻止广告的任何方式,并且我在https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!msg/headless中找到了这种方法-dev / G1u6SGeq7nw / VaIcIPlCAQAJ ;

 //http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt //For puppeteer I read in this host file: //now we read the host file var hostFile = fs.readFileSync('hosts.txt', 'utf8').split('\\n'); var hosts = {}; for (var i = 0; i < hostFile.length; i++) { var frags = hostFile[i].split(' '); if (frags.length > 1 && frags[0] === '') { hosts[frags[1].trim()] = true; } } //When loading a page I then filter out requests for these domains (and optionally images): page.on('request', request => { var domain = null; if (task.input.blockads) { var frags = request.url().split('/'); if (frags.length > 2) { domain = frags[2]; } } if ((task.input.blockads && hosts[domain] === true) || (!task.input.includephotos && request.resourceType() === 'image')) { request.abort(); } else { request.continue(); } }); //This solution hugely improved the speed of our scraper. 

但是我不知道这部分。 task.input.blockads这什么都不是,我一无所知。 任何想法?

这只是启用/禁用检查主机文件的参数。 如果您一直想要检查,则忽略该部分

page.on('request', request => {

    var domain = null;
    var frags = request.url().split('/');
    if (frags.length > 2) {
       domain = frags[2];

    // just abort if found
    if (hosts[domain] === true) {
    } else {


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