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[英]c# - Get specific value or posistion of selected spinner item


我与一些客户创建了一个微调器。 微调器是根据包含4列的列表构建的:Id,名称,年龄,性别。 在微调器中,我创建了如下所示的项目:

现在,我想要的是获取所选项目的ID,但是我无法弄清楚,因为我创建了一个自定义项目字符串。 因此,当我需要输入时,我当然会得到整个字符串。 我如何只获取字符串的ID并切断以下内容: “ Id:=>-名称:...-年龄:...-性别:...”因此,剩下的唯一是ID作为一个Int吗?

private void CustomerSpinner_ItemSelected(object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e)
    Spinner spinner = (Spinner)sender;
    SelectedSpinnerCustomer = spinner.GetItemAtPosition(e.Position).ToString();

因此,为了清楚起见,我希望SelectedSpinnerCustomer为int。 我怎样才能做到这一点?


public class MySpinner : Spinner
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public int Age { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string Gender { get; set; }


private void CustomerSpinner_ItemSelected(object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e)
    MySpinner spinner = sender as MySpinner;
    int SelectedSpinnerCustomer = spinner.Id;
    int age = spinner.Age;
    string name = spinner.Name;
    string gender = spinner.Gender;

string类中可以使用几种不同的方法。 这是一个经过简化的方法,并使用了多种字符串方法。

//Save the string in a local variable with a short name for better readability
string str = spinner.GetItemAtPosition(e.Position).ToString();

//Split the string by the underscores ('-')
string[] splitted = str.Split("-");
//Now you have a string array with all the values by themselves
//We know that ID is the first element in the array since your string starts with the ID
//So save it in a new string
string idStr = splitted[0];
//idStr is now "id: x "
//Remove the spaces by replacing them with nothing
idStr = idStr.Replace(" ", "");
//idStr is now "id:x"
//To get only 'x' we need to remove "id:" which can be done in multiple ways
//In this example I will use String.Remove() method
//Start at index 0 and remove 3 characters. This will remove "id:" from "id:x"
idStr = idStr.Remove(0, 3);
//Now idStr is "x" which is an integer, so we can just parse it
int id = int.Parse(idStr);
//Now you have the id as an integer!


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