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如何使用LINQ C#将几个属性的值从一个列表更改为另一个:

[英]How to change values of few properties from one list to another using LINQ C#:


List<Customer> customer = new List<Customer>() 
 { Id =1 , Name = 'Demo1' , OrderId = 123}
 { Id =1 , Name = 'Demo2' , OrderId = 123}

List<Order> order = new List<Order>() 
{ Id =77 , CustomerName = 'Demo1'}
{ Id =88 , CustomerName = 'Demo2'}

我要替换customer.OrderId = order.Id where order.CustomerName = customer.Name

customer list OrderId value from order list when CustomerName is matching with Name prop我想customer list OrderId value from order list when CustomerName is matching with Name prop替换customer list OrderId value from order list when CustomerName is matching with Name prop


customer = order.Select(eo => new Customer { Name = eo.CustomerName });




foreach (var c in customer)
    var o = order.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CustomerName == c.Name);
    c.OrderId = o?.Id ?? 0;

当然,当每个客户有多个订单时,这种方法将无法正常工作。 另外,我建议将变量重命名为复数形式- customersorders以更好地表示其含义。

对于纯LINQ方法,您可以编写一个ForEach LINQ扩展方法,但是我找到了一个明确的foreach更具可读性的解决方案。

LINQ主要用于查询。 您可以创建一个符合您要求的新列表。




var joinResult = customers.Join(orders,    // join the tables of customers with orders
    customer => customer.Name,             // from every customer take the Name
    order => order.CustomerName,           // from every order take the CustomerName
    (customer, order) => new Customer      // when they match make a new Customer
        Id = customer.Id,                  // take Id and Name from the matching Customer
        Name = customer.Name,
        OrderId = order.Id,                // take the OrderId from the matching order
customers = joinResult;

las,如果您有多个OrdersCustomer ,这将不起作用:

var customers = new List<Customer>() 
    { Id = 1 , Name = 'John Doe' , OrderId = 123},

var orders = new List<Order>() 
    { Id =77 , CustomerName = 'John Doe'}
    { Id =88 , CustomerName = 'John Doe'}

客户1应该具有OrderId 77还是78?


要获得Customer with all his OrdersCustomer with all his Orders使用GroupJoin

var result = customers.GroupJoin(orders, // GroupJoin the customers with orders
    customer => customer.Name,           // from every customer take the Name
    order => order.CustomerName,         // from every order take the CustomerName
    (customer, orders) => new            // for every customer with all his matching orders
    {                                    // make one new object
        Id = customer.Id,                  // take Id and Name from the matching Customer
        Name = customer.Name,

        // TODO Decide what to do if there are several orders for customer with this name
        // Keep all orders? Or keep the oldest one, the newest one?
        // the unpaid ones?
        AllOrders = orders.ToList(),
        OldestOrder = orders.Orderby(order => order.Date).FirstOrDefault(),
        NewestOrder = orders.OrderByDescending(order => order.Date).FirstOrDefault(),
        UnpaidOrders = orders.Where(order => order.Status == Status.Unpaid).ToList(),

您要执行联接操作(很可能是内部联接)。 LINQ提供了这样的功能

var customerOrders = customer.Join(order,
    c => c.Name,
    o => o.CustomerName,
    (customer, order) =>
        custumer.OrderId= order.Id;
        return customer;

但是正如@Martin Zikmund所说,我将对直接处理数据保持谨慎。


var matched = customers.Join(orders,
                             customer => customer.Name,
                             order => order.CustomerName,
                             (customer, order) => (Customer: customer, Order: order));

foreach (var pair in matched)
    pair.Customer.OrderId = pair.Order.Id;

请注意,如果订单集合包含多个具有相同客户名称的订单,则“ Join方法将使用集合中最后出现的订单ID更新客户。

LINQ扩展方法以“功能”方式设计,其中枚举项被视为不可变的。 LINQ方法始终返回该集合的新实例。 如果在枚举方法期间项目发生突变,大多数开发人员将“非常”惊讶。

您需要将customer的属性Name和order的属性CustomerName都加入列表,然后从Order分配OrderId ,例如

List<Customer> result = new List<Customer>();

result = (from c in customer
          join o in order on c.Name equals o.CustomerName
          select new Customer
              Id = c.Id,
              Name = c.Name,
              OrderId = o.Id

foreach (var item in result)
    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {item.Id}, \t Name: {item.Name}, \t OrderId: {item.OrderId}");





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