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[英]How to improve speed and performance on refresh and update ObserveableCollection

我正在尝试使用从SQL过程检索到的新项目更新和刷新现有的ObservableCollection(列表中大约有2.3mill个对象)。 当我获得最新类别时,我会收到一份包含约72000个项目的清单。 我创建的用于更新和刷新集合的函数确实运行良好,但是在许多更新的元素上,它变得非常缓慢并且性能很差。 我该如何以更有效和更好的方式做到这一点?

 public async Task UpdateAndRefreshContractMetaDataCollection(ObservableCollection<Category> Categories)
        Type type = typeof(Category);       
        var updatedCategories = await GetLatestUpdatedCategories();

        if (updatedCategories .Count != 0)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var category in updatedCategories )
                    var categoryCopy = Categories.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.ID== category.ID);
                    if (categoryCopy != null)
                        if (!compareLogic.Compare(categoryCopy , category ).AreEqual)
                            mapper.Map<Category, Category>(category , categoryCopy );
                            Categories.Add(category );
            catch (Exception e) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error updating categories", e.Message);

FirstOrDefault是瓶颈的很大一部分。 对于更新类别中的每个项目,您都要遍历主集合。 使用字典会更快。


public async Task UpdateAndRefreshContractMetaDataCollection(ObservableCollection<Category> Categories)
    Type type = typeof(Category);
    var updatedCategories = await GetLatestUpdatedCategories();

    var CatDict = Categories.ToDictionary(c => c.ID);

    if (updatedCategories.Count != 0)
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var category in updatedCategories)
                var categoryCopy = CatDict.ContainsKey(category.ID) ? CatDict[category.ID] : null;
                if (categoryCopy != null)
                    i += 1;
                    if (!compareLogic.Compare(categoryCopy, category).AreEqual)
                        mapper.Map<Category, Category>(category, categoryCopy);
        catch (Exception e)
            MessageBox.Show("Error updating categories", e.Message);

我尝试了伪像工作解决方案。 这更是以声明性的方式使用Linq进行编程,而不是命令性的。 抱歉,我没有使用与您的代码片段相同的对象。 但是尝试用我自己的对象使它更易于理解。

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Your categires been passed to the method (new categories I assume)
        List<int> categories = new List<int>();

        // Updated categores you retrieved from the database.
        ObservableCollection<int> updatedCategories  = new ObservableCollection<int>();

        // Select all the none matching categires to be added in the <mapper.Map>
        var notmatching = (from u in updatedCategories  join n in categories on u equals n where !Comparer(u, n) select u).ToList();

        // Select all the matching categires to be added in the <categories> collection
        var matching = (from u in updatedCategories  join n in categories on u equals n where Comparer(u, n) select u).ToList();

        // Addiing notmaching categories to you map
        notmatching.ForEach(i => Map(i));

        // Adding matching categies to your existing Categories collection


    // Represent 'compareLogic.Compare(categoryCopy , category ).AreEqual'
    static bool Comparer(int a, int b) {
        return a == b;
    // Represent mapper.Map<Category, Category>(category , categoryCopy );
    static void Map(int a) {



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