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[英]How do I use a while-loop correctly to capitalize text fields content until an empty field is found?

我需要创建一个通过按下按钮触发的功能,该功能允许我在大写的多个文本字段中创建每个字符,直到代码读取其中没有任何内容的文本字段为止。 我需要在函数中使用while循环才能执行任务。




 var theInputedText; function buttonClicked() { for (var textField = 0; textField <= 9; textField++) { document.textInput.elements[textField].value = document.textInput.elements[textField].value.toUpperCase(); } } function secondButtonClicked() { var textLength = document.textInput.elements[0].value.length; var initialTextField = 0; var textFields = 0; while (document.textInput.elements[textFields].value != null) document.textInput.elements[textFields].value = document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.toUpperCase(); textFields++; } 
 <body> <form name="textInput"> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br><br> <input type="button" Value="Change First Letter to Uppercase" onclick=buttonClicked()> <input type="button" Value="Change all Letters to Uppercase" onclick=secondButtonClicked()> </form> </body> 

当用户在文本字段中键入内容时,假设前5个跳过6,然后填充其余部分,然后按第二个按钮。 前5个字段应变成大写字母,而后5个字段应保持原样。



document.textInput.elements[textFields].value != null

Suppose You use a count as a variable which increments on every iteration and is initialised as 0.
Then the condition for while will be :

function secondButtonClicked() {
  var textLength = document.textInput.elements[0].value.length;
  var initialTextField = 0;
  var textFields = 0;
  var count = 0;

  while (count < textLength)
    document.textInput.elements[textFields].value =


 function buttonClicked() { // this variable will handle the counter of textfields var textFields = 0; // the next loop will execute forever, unless textField.value is void or there is no more text fields while (true) { if (!document.textInput.elements[textFields] || !document.textInput.elements[textFields].value) { // here we break the loop, it means a void textField or there is no textField to proccess break; } // We need to trim out blank spaces, this way we ensure toUpperCase() method works document.textInput.elements[textFields].value = document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.trim(); // We capitalize the first character of the string and save it on a variable called 'capitalized' var capitalized = document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); var unCapitalized = ''; if (document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.length > 1) { // We save the rest of the string in a variable called 'unCapitalized' only if there is enough characters on it unCapitalized = document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.substring(1); } // Now we set the value of textField with the desired result document.textInput.elements[textFields].value = capitalized.concat(unCapitalized); // Don't forget to increment our counter; textFields++; } // End while loop } // End function buttonClicked() // The next function is basically the same as above // except that we capitalize all the characters on the string function secondButtonClicked() { // start our counter var textFields = 0; // this loop runs until one of 2 conditions listed above are satisfied while (true) { if (!document.textInput.elements[textFields] || !document.textInput.elements[textFields].value) { break; } // Don't forget to trim out the blank spaces document.textInput.elements[textFields].value = document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.trim(); // here we just capitalize the whole string document.textInput.elements[textFields].value = document.textInput.elements[textFields].value.toUpperCase(); // Again, don't forget to increment the counter textFields++; } // End while loop } // End function secondButtonClicked() 
 <body> <form name="textInput"> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br> <input type="text"><br><br> <button type="button" onclick=buttonClicked()>Change First Letter to Uppercase</button> <button type="button" onclick=secondButtonClicked()>Change all Letters to Uppercase</button> </form> </body> 

我也更改了HTML,在您的代码中您得到了<input type="button"...>因此,当您单击它时,也会处理该inputvalue

解决方案是使用button html标签。



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