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[英]How to calculate MTD and QTD by YTD value in Oracle


date    dealer   YTD_Value    
2018-01   A       1100    
2018-02   A       2000
2018-03   A       3000
2018-04   A       4200
2018-05   A       5000
2018-06   A       5500
2017-01   B        100
2017-02   B        200
2017-03   B        500    
...      ...       ...


date    dealer   YTD_Value    MTD_Value       QTD_Value
2018-01   A       1100           1100           1100
2018-02   A       2000            900           2000
2018-03   A       3000           1000           3000
2018-04   A       4200           1200           1200
2018-05   A       5000            800           2000
2018-06   A       5500            500           2500
2017-01   B        100            100            100
2017-02   B        200            100            200
2017-03   B        550            350            550    
...       ...      ...            ...            ...


因此,如果我想计算'2018-01'经销商'A' MTDQTD值,则应与YTD相同。

如果我想计算MTD的经销商价值'A''2018-06'MTD值应等于YTD'2018-06'YTD中值'2018-05' 并在QTD值'2018-06'应等于YTD在值'2018-06'减去YTD在值'2018-03'或等于求和MTD中值(2018-04,2018-05,2018-06)



QTD的计算很棘手,但是您可以在没有子查询的情况下执行此查询。 基本思想是对月度值进行lag() 然后使用max()分析函数在季度开始时获取YTD值。



with t(dte, dealer, YTD_Value) as (  
      select '2018-01', 'A', 1100 from dual union all    
      select '2018-02', 'A', 2000 from dual union all
      select '2018-03', 'A', 3000 from dual union all
      select '2018-04', 'A', 4200 from dual union all
      select '2018-05', 'A', 5000 from dual union all
      select '2018-06', 'A', 5500 from dual union all
      select '2017-01', 'B', 100 from dual union all
      select '2017-02', 'B', 200 from dual union all
      select '2017-03', 'B', 550 from dual
select t.*,
       (YTD_Value - lag(YTD_Value, 1, 0) over (partition by substr(dte, 1, 4) order by dte)) as MTD_Value,
       (YTD_Value -
        coalesce(max(case when substr(dte, -2) in ('03', '06', '09') then YTD_VALUE end) over
                                   (partition by substr(dte, 1, 4) order by dte rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
                                   ), 0
       ) as QTD_Value
from t
order by 1

是db <>小提琴。

以下查询可以完成这项工作。 它使用CTE将varchar date列转换为日期,然后进行一些联接以恢复要比较的值。


WITH cte AS (
    SELECT TO_DATE(my_date, 'YYYY-MM') my_date, dealer, ytd_value FROM my_table
    TO_CHAR(ytd.my_date, 'YYYY-MM') my_date,
    ytd.ytd_value - NVL(mtd.ytd_value, 0) mtd_value,
    ytd.ytd_value - NVL(qtd.ytd_value, 0) qtd_value
    cte ytd
    LEFT JOIN cte mtd ON mtd.my_date = ADD_MONTHS(ytd.my_date, -1) AND mtd.dealer = ytd.dealer
    LEFT JOIN cte qtd ON qtd.my_date = ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(ytd.my_date, 'Q'), -1)  AND mtd.dealer = qtd.dealer
ORDER BY dealer, my_date

PS: date是大多数RDBMS(包括Oracle)中的保留字,我在查询中将该列重命名为my_date

您可以sum() over ..聚合函数使用lag() windows analytic和sum() over ..

select "date",dealer,YTD_Value,MTD_Value,
       sum(MTD_Value) over (partition by qt order by "date")
          as QTD_Value 
   with t("date",dealer,YTD_Value) as
    select '2018-01','A',1100 from dual union all    
    select '2018-02','A',2000 from dual union all
    select '2018-03','A',3000 from dual union all
    select '2018-04','A',4200 from dual union all
    select '2018-05','A',5000 from dual union all
    select '2018-06','A',5500 from dual union all
    select '2017-01','B', 100 from dual union all
    select '2017-02','B', 200 from dual union all
    select '2017-03','B', 550 from dual
   select t.*,
          t.YTD_Value - nvl(lag(t.YTD_Value) 
          over (partition by substr("date",1,4) order by substr("date",1,4) desc, "date"),0) 
             as MTD_Value,
             as qt,
          substr("date",1,4) as year
        from t
      order by year desc, "date"
  order by year desc, "date";



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