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[英]Return an array of objects containing the Object' information, selected from Arrays

          * A prototype to create Animal objects
        function Animal (name, type, breed) {
            this.name = name;
             this.type = type;
             this.breed = breed;

         function createAnimalObjects(names, types, breeds) {
    /* Input should be like this

    a_name = ['Dog','Cat', 'Fowl','Goat'];
    a_type = ['Security Dog', 'Blue Eyes', 'Cock', 'she Goat'];
    a_breed = ['German Shepherd', 'Noiseless', 'African Cock', 'American Goat'];
    /* *
    [Animal{name:'Dog', type:'Security Dog' ,breed:'German Shepherd'},
Animal{name:'Cat', type:'Blue Eyes', breed:'Noiseless'}

使用上述原型,数组应返回新的动物对象。 为了清楚起见,请帮助注释您的代码。 我是学习者。


 function Animal (name, type, breed) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.breed = breed; } function createAnimalObjects(names, types, breeds) { if ([...arguments].some(({length}) => length !== names.length)) throw new Error('length doesnt match'); return names.map((e, i) => new Animal(e, types[i], breeds[i])); } a_name = ['Dog','Cat', 'Fowl','Goat']; a_type = ['Security Dog', 'Blue Eyes', 'Cock', 'she Goat']; a_breed = ['German Shepherd', 'Noiseless', 'African Cock', 'American Goat']; console.log(createAnimalObjects(a_name, a_type, a_breed));

当您想要组合多个数组时,通常由 zip 函数完成:

 const zip = (...arrays) => [ ...new Array( Math.max(...arrays.map((array) => array.length)), ).keys(), ].map((index) => arrays.reduce( (result, array) => result.concat(array[index]), [], ), ); console.log(zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]));

现在您可以使用 zip 组合数组,然后映射到一个 Animal 值数组

 const zip = (...arrays) => [ ...new Array(//.keys returns iterator, spread this to new array Math.max(...arrays.map((array) => array.length)),//longest array ).keys(), ].map((index) => arrays.reduce( (result, array) => result.concat(array[index]), [], ), ); const a_name = ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Fowl', 'Goat']; const a_type = ['Security Dog','Blue Eyes','Cock','she Goat']; const a_breed = ['German Shepherd','Noiseless','African Cock','American Goat']; function Animal(name, type, breed) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.breed = breed; } console.log( //zip returns [[names[0],types[0],breeds[0]],[names[1],types[1],breeds[1],...] zip(a_name, a_type, a_breed) .map( ([name, type, breed]) =>//destructure [name,type,breed] new Animal(name, type, breed), ), );

一些文档: destructure syntaxspreadArray.prototype.mapArray.prototype.reduce


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