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[英]How to reduce a string into a custom object using several delimiters, Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined


“ 6:00 AM-起床,铺床,刷牙。6:45 AM-洗澡。7:15 AM-吃早餐,上学。”

我想根据句号,逗号和破折号来减少该字符串。 基本上得到一个具有时间和活动的对象。 对象应该看起来像这样...

  6:00AM: ['Get up', 'Make the bed', 'Brush my teeth'],
  6:45AM: ['Take a shower'],
  7:15AM: ['Have breakfast', 'Leave for school']

我该怎么做呢? 我不太清楚。



    "id": 1,
    "day": "Monday",
    "activities": "6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth. 6:45AM - Take a shower. 7:15AM - Have breakfast, Leave for school."
    "id": 2,
    "day": "Tuesday",
    "activities": "6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth. 6:45AM - Take a shower. 7:15AM - Have breakfast, Leave for school."

我想遍历该数组,并用转换后的字符串(即返回的对象)替换每个activities属性的值。 因此,我创建了一个单独的变量,称为activity,并将其实例化为一个数组,在该数组中我希望存储从转换activity property返回的对象。 所以..

let activities = [];

/* My function */ 
private splitter() {
  const activities = this.itinerary.map(item => {
    return item.activities;

  const results = {};
  const res = activities.map(str => {
    for (const result of str.split('.').map(x => x.trim())) {
      if (result) {
        const [time, actions] = result.split(' - ');
        results[time] = actions.split(',').map(x => x.trim());
    return results;
  return res;


      6:00AM: ['Get up', 'Make the bed', 'Brush my teeth'],
      6:45AM: ['Take a shower'],
      7:15AM: ['Have breakfast', 'Leave for school']
      6:00AM: ['Get up', 'Make the bed', 'Brush my teeth'],
      6:45AM: ['Take a shower'],
      7:15AM: ['Have breakfast', 'Leave for school']


Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot create property '6:00AM' on string '6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth.'



const str = "6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth. 6:45AM - Take a shower. 7:15AM - Have breakfast, Leave for school."

sentences = {};
// split the string on periods, and trim each sentence
for (sentence of str.split('.').map(x => x.trim())) {
    // you end up with a completely empty sentence when the last
    // sentence ends in a period, which is uninteresting
    if (sentence) {
        // split each sentence on a hyphen, and assume the first
        // element is time and the second is actions
        let [time, actions] = sentence.split(' - ');

        // split the actions string on commas and trim whitespace;
        // store that in our sentences object
        sentences[time] = actions.split(',').map(x => x.trim());


{ '6:00AM': [ 'Get up', 'Make the bed', 'Brush my teeth' ],
  '6:45AM': [ 'Take a shower' ],
  '7:15AM': [ 'Have breakfast', 'Leave for school' ] }


假设您有字符串。 您可以开始使用第一个最大的分隔符(在此示例中为句点)对其进行分割。

const string = "6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth. 6:45AM - Take a shower. 7:15AM - Have breakfast, Leave for school."
const firstSplit = string.split(".");

您现在在firstSplit所拥有的内容类似于["6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth", "6:45AM - Take a shower", "7:15AM - Have breakfast, Leave for school"] firstSplit ["6:00AM - Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth", "6:45AM - Take a shower", "7:15AM - Have breakfast, Leave for school"] 您现在可以做的是将该数组中的每个值进一步拆分为小时并激活。


const secondSplit = firstSplit.map(each => each.split(" - "))

现在, secondSplit看起来像[["6:00AM", "Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth"], ["6:45AM", "Take a shower"], ["7:15AM", "Have breakfast, Leave for school"]]

现在,将这个奇怪的数组数组转换为一个对象,其中每个小数组的第一个位置是键,第二个是值。 我将使用vainilla javascript,但是当然可以使用任何js库(例如lodash或ramda)来简化

const almostThere = secondSplit.reduce((object, subarray) => {
  object[subarray[0]] = subarray[1]
  return object
}, {})

这真是难以置信,接近您的实际需求。 该对象看起来像:

  6:00AM: "Get up, Make the bed, Brush my teeth",
  6:45AM: "Take a shower",
  7:15AM: "Have breakfast, Leave for school"

注意,我们在每个对象值上都缺少一个拆分。 我们可以通过修改以前完成的reduce来解决

const yeay = secondSplit.reduce((object, subarray) => {
  object[subarray[0]] = subarray[1].split(", ")
}, {})



const firstSplit = string.split(".")
 .map(each => each.split(" - "))
 .reduce((object, subarray) => {
  object[subarray[0]] = subarray[1].split(", ")
  return object
}, {})


const yeay = string.split(".")
 .reduce((object, hourAndChores) => {
    const splittedHourAndChores = hourAndChores.split(" - ");
    object[splittedHourAndChores[0]] = splittedHourAndChores[1].split(", ")
    return object
}, {})


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