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[英]How to represent groups of counts and sums as columns in a SQL view?


id integer,
ownername text,
length integer,
status integer


 ownername  | count_in_status1 | sum_length_status1 | count_in_status2 | sum_length_status2 | count_in_status3 | sum_length_status3 | ..... | total_count | total_sum_length 

有点难以解释,但基本上我需要每个所有者名称的计数和总和,最后需要总计数和总长度。 目前,实际上有5种状态


create view myview as     
select ownername, status, count(*), sum(length) from mytable group by ownername, status

这将返回数据,但不会以我上面介绍的最有效的方式返回。 如何实现呢?


create view myview as     
    select ownername, 
           count(*) filter (where status = 1) as cnt_status_1,
           sum(length) filter (where status = 1) as len_status_1,
           count(*) filter (where status = 2) as cnt_status_2,
           sum(length) filter (where status = 2) as len_status_2,
           . . .  -- continue for each status
           count(*) as cnt,
           sum(length) as length
    from mytable
    group by ownername;

使用Filter是一个很好的解决方案(请参阅@Gordon Linoff响应)


create view myview as     
select ownername,
       sum(case when status = 1 then 1      else 0 end) as cnt_status_1,
       sum(case when status = 1 then length else 0 end) as len_status_1,
       sum(case when status = 1 then 1      else 0 end) as cnt_status_2,
       sum(case when status = 1 then length else 0 end) as len_status_2,           
       . . .  -- continue for each status
       count(*) as cnt,
       sum(length) as length
from mytable
group by ownername;


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