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[英]Typescript object indexer and key that doesn't match indexer type


interface NumberDictionary {
    [index: string]: number;
    length: number;    // ok, length is a number
    name: string;      // error, the type of 'name' is not a subtype of the indexer

上面的示例的推荐解决方法是什么,例如,我有一个我知道有name: string的对象name: string属性,并且它可以具有其他可能的键,所有键都必须是数字?


interface NumberDictionary {
    [index: string]: number | string;
    length: number;
    name: string;

问题在于这种类型本质上是不一致的。 考虑以下代码:

let prop = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "name" : "other"
let dic: NumberDictionary;
let value = dic[prop] // typed as number but could end up as string at run-time


诚实的做法是使索引签名返回number | string number | string

interface NumberDictionary {
    [index: string]: number | string;
    length: number;
    name: string;
let prop = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "name" : "other"
let dic: NumberDictionary;
let value = dic[prop] // typed as number | string we need a type guard to tell teh difference


type NumberDictionary = {
  [index: string]: number;
} & {
  length: number;    
  name: string;

let prop = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "neverName" : "other"
let dic: NumberDictionary = {
  name: "",
  length: 1
} as NumberDictionary; // type assertion necessary, ts will still complain here about the inconsistentcy 
let value = dic[prop] // typed as number, hope everyone avoids passing in name


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