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从 MS Excel 中的单元格中查找/替换 MS Word 文档

[英]Find/Replace MS Word Document from Cells in MS Excel

我正在尝试使用 Excel 打开 Word 文档。 然后我想根据某些 Excel 单元格中的内容替换 Word 中的文本字符串。

例如 MS Word 包含文本,“这是一个测试,只是一个测试。” Excel 有一个名为“同义词”的工作表。 单元格 A1 包含文本字符串“a test”。 单元格 B1 包含文本“考试”。 在 Excel 中使用文本字符串后,MS Word 文档将显示为“这是一次考试,而且只是一次考试”。

我已经能够在 Excel 中执行查找/替换(通过稍微修改代码)。 但我似乎无法在 Word 中执行查找/替换。



Option Explicit

Public Sub WordFindAndReplace()
    Dim mySheet As Worksheet, msWord As Object, itm As Range

    Set mySheet = ActiveSheet
    Dim myReplaceSheet As Worksheet
    Dim myLastRow As Long
    Dim myRow As Long
    Dim myFind As String
    Dim myReplace As String
    Set msWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

    With msWord
        .Visible = True
        .Documents.Open "E:\Original.docm"

            With .ActiveDocument.Content.Find

'   Specify name of  sheet
    Set mySheet = Sheets("Strings")

'   Specify name of Sheet with list of finds and replacements
    Set myReplaceSheet = Sheets("Synonyms")

'   Assuming the list of  that need replaced start in column B on row 1, find last entry in list
    myLastRow = myReplaceSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    '   Loop through all list of replacments
    For myRow = 1 To myLastRow
'       Get find and replace values (from columns A and B)
        myFind = myReplaceSheet.Cells(myRow, "A")
        myReplace = myReplaceSheet.Cells(myRow, "B")
'       Start at top of data sheet and do replacements
'       Ignore errors that result from finding no matches
        On Error Resume Next
'       Do all replacements on column A of data sheet
        ColorReplacement msWord, myFind, myReplace
'       Reset error checking
        On Error GoTo 0
    Next myRow

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

        End With

    End With

End Sub
Sub ColorReplacement(aCell As Range, findText As String, ReplaceText As String, _
                     Optional ReplaceColor As OLE_COLOR = vbRed)

    Dim p As Long

    p = InStr(1, aCell.Text, findText, vbTextCompare)
    Do While p > 0
        aCell.Characters(p, Len(findText)).Text = ReplaceText
        aCell.Characters(p, Len(ReplaceText)).Font.Color = ReplaceColor
        p = InStr(p + Len(ReplaceText), aCell.Text, findText)

End Sub


   Option Explicit

Public Sub WdFindAndReplace()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, msWord As Object, itm As Range

    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Set msWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

    With msWord
        .Visible = True
        .Documents.Open "C:\mydirb\test26.docx"  ' change as per your requirement

        With .ActiveDocument.Content.Find

            For Each itm In ws.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells

                .Text = itm.Value2                          'Find all strings in col A

                .Replacement.Text = itm.Offset(, 1).Value2  'Replacements from col B

                .MatchCase = False
                .MatchWholeWord = False

                .Execute Replace:=2     'wdReplaceAll (WdReplace Enumeration)
        End With
        .Quit SaveChanges:=True
    End With
End Sub



Sub Demo()
Dim xlWs As Worksheet, objWrd As Object, objDoc As Object, r As Long
Set xlWs = Sheets("Synonyms")
Set objWrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
With objWrd
  .Visible = False
  Set objDoc = .Documents.Open("E:\Original.docm", False, False, False)
  With objDoc.Content.Find
    .MatchCase = False
    .MatchWholeWord = False
    For r = 1 To xlWs.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
      .Text = xlWs.Range("A" & r).Text
      .Replacement.Text = xlWs.Range("B" & r).Text
      .Execute Replace:=2 '2 = wdReplaceAll
  End With
  objDoc.Close True
End With
End Sub

出于测试目的,您可能需要设置 .Visible = True。


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