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[英]Access VBA: how to subscribe to a the change of a control/field happened from other vba code and not from user interaction

我很奇怪。 我有一个带有子窗体的窗体。 当子窗体中的值更改时,在更新后,我调用

If Not IsNull(Me.Parent) Then
   Me.Parent.ParentField.Value = Me.SubformField.Value
End If

在父窗体中,我希望ParentField的更改触发另一个事件。 不幸的是,以编程方式进行更改不会触发AfterUpdateonChange事件。






'SubUserForm code
Option Explicit
'Custom Events don't have to pass values, or can pass multiple values as desired
Public Event FormChange(newValue As Variant)

Private Sub TextBoxS_Change()
    'If I wanted the event to raise for various control changes,
    '    I could add it to multiple Change Events.
    RaiseEvent FormChange(TextBoxS.Value)

    'Or I could instead call a private sub such as
    '        ConditionalEvent(TextBoxS.Value)
    '    with the logic for checking if the event should
    '    be raised; especially helpful if
    '    logic depends on multiple changes or conditions
End Sub

Private Sub ConditionalEvent(vNew As Variant)
    If True Then 'More complicated checks, maybe changed private variables, etc.
        RaiseEvent FormChange(vNew)
    End If
End Sub

'This is to prevent the parent losing refernce to the sub form.
'The parent should be the one that creates an instance of this form,
'   as well as be the one to delete it.
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    Cancel = True
End Sub

'Parent UserForm code
Option Explicit
'The private instance of the subform needs to be of the
'    baseform itself, not a generic object or userform.
'    Otherwise the custom event won't carry through.
'    However, this also means that the only events carried through
'    will be the custom ones (at least as far as I could tell)
Private WithEvents subForm As SubUserForm

'This is the custom event from the subform
Private Sub subForm_FormChange(newValue As Variant)
    TextBoxP.Value = newValue
End Sub

'This is important. The default value of subform is Nothing,
'    so initialization is required.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Set subForm = New SubUserForm
End Sub

'This sub is the mock-up logic and call to show the sub form for testing.
'It is not required for using custom events.
Private Sub TextBoxP_Enter()
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    'Terminates the subform on parent closure
    Set subForm = Nothing
End Sub

为了进行测试,我使用下面的代码显示了父用户表单。 请注意,我还更改了文本框和用户窗体的名称,如下所示:

  • 子窗体: SubUserFormTextBoxS
  • ParentForm: ParentUserFromTextBoxP


'In a generic module
Option Explicit

' Used to open the parent form for testing
Sub test()
    ' Using a with statement allows using a new instance of the form
    '    (instead of the "free instance" automatically provided)
    '    without having to assign the new instance to a variable to
    '    use, and then having to assign to variable to Nothing
    With New ParentUserForm
    End With
End Sub

通常,控件事件在由VBA更改时不会触发。 这是有道理的,因为对该控件可能会发生很多事件,因此确定何时以及何时不运行所有这些事件将是一场噩梦。




Call MySub



Me.Parent.ParentField.Value = me.SomeField

Call me.Parent.MySub()



因此,以事件代码(或按钮)调用的父形式设置一个公共例程(子例程或函数)。 然后,只需在子表单中调用与上述相同的例程即可。


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