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[英]How to display json data via table in component of react.js

我试图在我的react组件中将从数据库检索的json数据显示为表。 我正在使用axios来发布快递服务器中的数据并从中获取数据。 这是我的反应成分。

import React from "react";
// @material-ui/core components
import withStyles from "@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles";
// core components
import GridItem from "components/Grid/GridItem.jsx";
import GridContainer from "components/Grid/GridContainer.jsx";
import Table from "components/Table/Table.jsx";
import Card from "components/Card/Card.jsx";
import CardHeader from "components/Card/CardHeader.jsx";
import CardBody from "components/Card/CardBody.jsx";

import Button from "components/CustomButtons/Button.jsx";
import CardFooter from "components/Card/CardFooter.jsx";

import axios from "axios";

const styles = {
  cardCategoryWhite: {
    "&,& a,& a:hover,& a:focus": {
      color: "rgba(255,255,255,.62)",
      margin: "0",
      fontSize: "14px",
      marginTop: "0",
      marginBottom: "0"
    "& a,& a:hover,& a:focus": {
      color: "#FFFFFF"
  cardTitleWhite: {
    color: "#FFFFFF",
    marginTop: "0px",
    minHeight: "auto",
    fontWeight: "300",
    fontFamily: "'Roboto', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif",
    marginBottom: "3px",
    textDecoration: "none",
    "& small": {
      color: "#777",
      fontSize: "65%",
      fontWeight: "400",
      lineHeight: "1"

function createUser() {
  axios.post("").then(response => {console.log(response)}).catch(error => {console.log(error.response)});

function TableList(props) {

  axios.get("").then(json => console.log(json)).catch(err => console.log(err));;

  return (
      <GridItem xs={12} sm={12} md={12}>
        <Button color="primary" onClick={createUser}>Create User</Button>
          <CardHeader color="primary">
            <h4 className={classes.cardTitleWhite}>User List</h4>
            <p className={classes.cardCategoryWhite}>
              {/*Here is a subtitle for this table*/}
              tableHead={["Name", "Country", "City", "Salary"]}
                ["Dakota Rice", "Niger", "Oud-Turnhout", "$36,738"],
                ["Minerva Hooper", "Curaçao", "Sinaai-Waas", "$23,789"],
                ["Sage Rodriguez", "Netherlands", "Baileux", "$56,142"],
                ["Philip Chaney", "Korea, South", "Overland Park", "$38,735"],
                ["Doris Greene", "Malawi", "Feldkirchen in Kärnten", "$63,542"],
                ["Mason Porter", "Chile", "Gloucester", "$78,615"],
                ["LALA", "NOOB", "LOL", "$12345"]
            <Button color="primary">Update Profile</Button>

export default withStyles(styles)(TableList);

我成功地从数据库中检索了数据并显示在控制台中。 但是,我不知道如何通过表格显示它。 有人在这个问题上有好的解决方案吗?

更好的方法是为表创建一个单独的组件 ,以显示您从后端接收的数据。 否则,您可以通过以下方式进行少量更改以使用同一组件:

  class TableList extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { users: [] }; } function createUser() { axios.post("").then(response => { console.log(response)}).catch(error => {console.log(error.response)}); }); } componentDidMount() { axios.get("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto/") .then(json => { this.setState({users: json}); console.log({json}) }); .catch(err => console.log(err));; } render() { const {users} = this.state; console.log({users}) // your table return ( <GridContainer> <GridItem xs={12} sm={12} md={12}> <Button color="primary" onClick={createUser}>Create User</Button> <Card> <CardHeader color="primary"> <h4 className={classes.cardTitleWhite}>User List</h4> <p className={classes.cardCategoryWhite}> {/*Here is a subtitle for this table*/} </p> </CardHeader> <CardBody> <Table tableHeaderColor="primary" tableHead={["Name", "Country", "City", "Salary"]} tableData={users} /> </CardBody> <CardFooter> <Button color="primary">Update Profile</Button> </CardFooter> </Card> </GridItem> </GridContainer> ); } } const styles = { cardCategoryWhite: { "&,& a,& a:hover,& a:focus": { color: "rgba(255,255,255,.62)", margin: "0", fontSize: "14px", marginTop: "0", marginBottom: "0" }, "& a,& a:hover,& a:focus": { color: "#FFFFFF" } }, cardTitleWhite: { color: "#FFFFFF", marginTop: "0px", minHeight: "auto", fontWeight: "300", fontFamily: "'Roboto', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif", marginBottom: "3px", textDecoration: "none", "& small": { color: "#777", fontSize: "65%", fontWeight: "400", lineHeight: "1" } } }; 

这篇文章有几点要点。 恕我直言,您似乎已经硬编码了表格的数据。 这样行吗? 您的表“真的”期望包含一个数组的对象,然后该数组包含一个列数据的数组吗?




当您从API获取数据用户时,请将其设置为状态用户。 组件TableList填充来自状态用户的数据。 因此TableList应该作为一个类Component编写。

class TableList extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      users: []
  componentDidMount() {
      .then(json => {
        this.setState({users: json});
      .catch(err => console.log(err));;
  render() {
    const {users} = this.state;
    // your table


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