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使用来自 css-classes 的样式将富文本复制到剪贴板

[英]Copy rich text to clipboard with styles from css-classes

我已经使用这种方法从 html 元素复制富文本。 问题是,如果样式不是内联在 html 中,而是来自 css,则此方法不起作用。 现有代码破坏了格式并且没有考虑样式。 这是代码。


<button onclick="copyToClip(document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML)">
  Copy the stuff

<div id=foo>
  You can write some JS to generate this data. 
  It can contain rich stuff.
  <b> test </b> me <i> also </i>
  <div class="green">Hello world</div> You can use setData to put TWO COPIES into the same clipboard, one that is plain and one that is rich. That way your users can paste into either a
    <li>plain text editor</li>
    <li>or into a rich text editor</li>


.green {
  display: inline;
  color: green;


function copyToClip(str) {
  function listener(e) {
    e.clipboardData.setData("text/html", str);
    e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", str);
  document.addEventListener("copy", listener);
  document.removeEventListener("copy", listener);

Codepen 中的示例。

添加到复制文本的换行符是因为“块级元素”,即使您在 css 表中添加"display : inline"

请参阅W3 HTML 块和内联元素





 function CopyToClipboard(element) { // array off all block level elements var block_level_elements = ['P','H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6','OL', 'UL','DIV','FORM','HR','TABLE']; //create new Element so we can change elments like we need var newelment = document.createElement("div"); //copy target Element to the new Element newelment.innerHTML = document.getElementById(element).innerHTML; //hide new Element to body newelment.style.opacity = 0; // add new Element to body document.body.appendChild(newelment); //get all element childs var descendents = newelment.getElementsByTagName('*'); //loop in childs for (var i = 0; i < descendents.length; ++i) { //get defult Style var style = window.getComputedStyle(descendents[i]); var dis = style.getPropertyValue('display'); //get defult tag name var tagname = descendents[i].tagName; //--------------------------- //this part is little tricky //--------------------------- //true : Element is a block level elements and css display is inline if(dis.includes("inline") && block_level_elements.includes(tagname)){ //get all Element style include default style var defultcss = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(descendents[i], "").cssText; //chang Element tag from block level elements to inline level elements (span) descendents[i].outerHTML = descendents[i].outerHTML.replace(new RegExp(tagname, "ig"),"span"); //todo: need to change RegExp to tag name only not inner text //add all Element style include default style to new tag descendents[i].style.cssText = defultcss; } } //-----------------copy new Element-------------- var doc = document; var range, selection; if (doc.body.createTextRange) { range = doc.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(newelment); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { selection = window.getSelection(); range = doc.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(newelment); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } document.execCommand('copy'); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // remove new Element from document document.body.removeChild(newelment); document.getElementById("copybtn").innerHTML="Copied"; }
 .green { display: inline; color: green; white-space: nowrap; }
 <button id='copybtn' onclick="CopyToClipboard('foo')"> Copy the stuff </button> <div id='foo'> You can write some JS to generate this data. It can contain rich stuff. <b> test </b> me <i> also </i> <div class="green" style="color: green;">Hello world</div> , <h3 class="green" style="color: green;">header3</h3> You can use setData to put TWO COPIES into the same clipboard, one that is plain and one that is rich. That way your users can paste into either a <ul> <li>plain text editor</li> <li>or into a rich text editor</li> </ul> </div>


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