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[英]Why will my continue statement not restart my while loop?

我正在尝试为我的最终项目完成身份验证程序。 我正在检查用户身份验证,如果用户信息与凭据文件不匹配,输出将告诉他们这一点,然后在增加tryCounter的同时提示输入用户名和密码。 我遇到的唯一问题是,当我测试并尝试不正确,然后进行正确尝试时,while循环不会重新启动身份验证过程,相反,它只是简单地说了一次错误的登录。 为什么我的continue语句不重新启动while循环迭代?

我疲倦地在论坛上四处寻找这个答案,却没有发现与我的问题有关的食物。 我也尝试移动条件语句,以查看该语句是否在继续工作的错误位置,但没有解决任何问题。 编译器说我的两个continue语句都是不必要的。

    //prompting user for username
    System.out.println("Please enter your username (\"L\" to logout \"Q\" to quit): ");
    username = scnr.nextLine();
    //evaluating if user wants to quit immediately 
    if(username.equals("Q")) {
    //prompting user for password and storing to password field
    System.out.println("Please enter your password: ");
    password = scnr.nextLine();

    //while loop that contains the authentication and authorization logic 
    while (!username.equals("Q") && attemptCounter < 2){
        //calling of hashInput method of MD5Hash class to return the hashed user password
        userHashedPassword = userHash.hashInput(password);
        //while loop to open the credentials for authentication comparison
        while (cfScnr.hasNextLine()) {
            //assigning the files scanned next line to a field for comparison
            line = cfScnr.nextLine();
            //conditional statement to determine if username and password are contained on the line
            //will break file loop as soon as line contains the user's username and password
            //statement logic used to return the role string and remove extra characters and white space
            if (line.contains(username) && line.contains(userHashedPassword)) {
                dqLocation = line.lastIndexOf('"');
                role = line.substring(dqLocation);
                role = role.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
                role = role.replace("\"", "");
        //conditional statement used to determine if previous loops condtional statement was meant
        //if it wasn't this condition will inform the user of incorrect username and/or password
        //inform them of attempts remaining and prompt them for a new username and password while
        //tracking the attempts and it they want to quit. If Q isn't entered main while loop will restart authentication
        if (role == null){
            System.out.println("Username or password incorrect. " + (3 - attemptCounter) + " attempts remaining.");
            System.out.println("Please enter your username (\"L\" to logout \"Q\" to quit): ");
            username = scnr.nextLine();
            if(username.equals("Q")) {
            System.out.println("Please enter your password: ");
            password = scnr.nextLine();
        //this conditional statement runs only when the user is authenticated
        else {
            //creating new file object and scanner object to scan the role file
            File rFile = new File("src\\zooauthenticationsystem\\" + role + ".txt");
            Scanner rfScnr = new Scanner(rFile);
            //while loop to parse through the role file and output the lines of the file to the console
            while (rfScnr.hasNextLine()){
                rolePrint = rfScnr.nextLine();
            //prompting user if they would like to logout or simply quit the program
            System.out.println("\nPress \"L\" to logout and \"Q\" to quit.");
            userDecision = scnr.nextLine();
            //conditional statement to determine their input, and resetting role to null to reset authentication loop conditional statements, restarts main while loop
            if (userDecision.equals("L")){
                System.out.println("Please enter your username: ");
                username = scnr.nextLine();
                if(username.equals("Q")) {
                System.out.println("Please enter your password: ");
                password = scnr.nextLine();
                role = null;


while (!username.equals("Q") && attemptCounter < 2) {
    userHashedPassword = userHash.hashInput(password);
    while (cfScnr.hasNextLine()) {
        line = cfScnr.nextLine();
        if (line.contains(username) && line.contains(userHashedPassword)) {
            // ... do some stuff
    if (role == null) {
        // ... do some stuff
        continue;  // **** (A) ****
    } else {
        // ... do some stuff
        if (userDecision.equals("L")){
            // ... do some stuff
            continue;  // **** (B) ****

如果到达(A)行,则位于if (roll == null)块中,将永远不会输入else ,并且while循环将重复, 而无论continue语句是否使continue不必要和分散注意力。

同样,如果到达(B)行,则您处于while循环的最后一个控制块中,因此该循环将继续进行, 而与继续语句无关,从而使continue不必要和分散注意力。


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