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如何在ASP.Net Core 2中使用AutoMapper将Model对象实际映射到ViewModel对象?

[英]How to actually map Model object into a ViewModel object using AutoMapper in ASP.Net core 2?

在我的ASP.NET类上,有人告诉我开发一个简单的应用程序,该程序从.csv文件读取数据,然后在视图中显示它们。 我有一个要从.csv文件导入数据的模型。 我还有一个ViewModel,其中包含我实际上要在视图中显示的属性。 如何使用AutoMapper处理将模型映射到ViewModel对象?

我为要执行的映射创建了一个配置文件,我在Startup.cs文件中注册了配置。 每当我想在控制器中实际执行映射时,我都会碰壁,因为我不知道如何处理映射Enumerables


public class Donation
        public string First_Name { get; set; }
        public string Last_Name { get; set; }
        public long Pesel { get; set; }
        public string Donation_date { get; set; }
        public string Donated_blood_amount { get; set; }
        public string Blood_type { get; set; }
        public string Blood_factor { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }


public class DisplayDonatorViewModel
        public string First_Name { get; set; }
        public string Last_Name { get; set; }
        public string Donated_blood_amount { get; set; }



public class DisplayDonatorViewModelProfile : Profile
        public DisplayDonatorViewModelProfile()

            CreateMap<Donation, DisplayDonatorViewModel>()
                .ForMember(destination => destination.First_Name, h => h.MapFrom(source => source.First_Name))
                .ForMember(destination => destination.Last_Name, h => h.MapFrom(source => source.Last_Name))
                .ForMember(destination => destination.Donated_blood_amount, h => h.MapFrom(source => source.Donated_blood_amount));



var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {

            var mapper = config.CreateMapper();


public class DonationsController : Controller
        private readonly IHostingEnvironment _env;
        private readonly IMapper _mapper;
        public DonationsController(IHostingEnvironment env, IMapper mapper)
            _env = env;
            _mapper = mapper;

        public IActionResult Index()
            string webRootPath = _env.WebRootPath;
            string dataFolder = "data";
            string fileName = "MOCK_DATA.csv";
            string csvFilePath = Path.Combine(webRootPath, dataFolder, fileName);
            IEnumerable<Donation> dataRecords;
            IEnumerable<DisplayDonatorViewModel> displayDonatorViewModels;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(csvFilePath))
            using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader))
                dataRecords = csv.GetRecords<Donation>().ToList();

            displayDonatorViewModels = _mapper.Map<Donation, DisplayDonatorViewModel>(dataRecords); //does not work, "cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<BloodDonatorsApp.Models.Donation>' to 'BloodDonatorsApp.Models.Donation'

            return View(dataRecords);

dataRecords是一个IEnumerable变量,包含来自csv的数据。 我想将此对象及其数据映射到IEnumerable displayDonatorViewModels并将其传递到我的视图,而不是传递枚举的Donation对象。


映射枚举是内置的。 只要存在通用类型的映射,AutoMapper便可以映射到这些类型的枚举。 换一种说法:

var displayDonatorViewModels = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<DisplayDonatorViewModel>>(dataRecords);


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