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使用PowerShell检查Microsoft Azure Active Directory应用程序中是否存在IdentifierUris

[英]Check if IdentifierUris exists in Microsoft Azure Active Directory Application using PowerShell

我正在使用以下PowerShell脚本创建Azure Active Directory应用程序

$appName = "data-factory-app"
$appURI = "www.datafactoryapp.com"
$appExists = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName $appName
if (-not $appExists)
 if (-not $appExists.IdentifierUris
 New-AzADApplication -DisplayName $appName -IdentifierUris $appURI
 Write-Output "Application Already Exists"

我正在对Display Name进行检查,如果IdentifierUris存在,但还需要对其进行检查,但找不到任何命令。 谁能帮忙

为此,我建议使用AzureAD PowerShell模块中的Get-AzureADApplication cmdlet(cmdlet的形式为-AzureAD ),而不是Azure Azure 2.0模块中的cmdlet(其中cmdlet的形式为-AzAD )。

使用此cmdlet,可以像在Azure AD Graph API $ filter参数中一样指定过滤 ,并在一个请求中获得所需的内容。


$appName = "data-factory-app"
$appURI  = "www.datafactoryapp.com"
$filter  = "displayName eq '{0}' or identifierUris/any(u:u eq '{1}')" -f $appName, $appURI
$appExists = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter $filter

if (-not $appExists) {
     # No application exists with that display name or identifier URI
} else {
     # An application already exists with that display name or identifier URI!

编辑:如果由于某种原因必须使用Azure PowerShell模块(Az),则需要进行两个单独的调用来检查:

$appName = "data-factory-app"
$appURI  = "www.datafactoryapp.com"

$appExistsWithDisplayName = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName $appName
if (-not $appExistsWithDisplayName) {

    $appExistsWithIdentifierUri = Get-AzADApplication -IdentifierUri $appURI
    if (-not $appExistsWithIdentifierUri)) {
        # No application exists with that display name or identifier URI
    } else {
        # An application already exists with that identifier URI
} else {
     # An application already exists with that display name


$appName   = "data-factory-app"
$appURI    = "www.datafactoryapp.com"
$appExists = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName $appName

if (-not $appExists) {
    Write-Output "Application '$appName' does not exist"
    # create it here?
    # see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/az.resources/new-azadapplication?view=azps-2.0.0
else {
    Write-Output "Application already exists, checking IdentifierUris"
    if (-not $appExists.IdentifierUris -or @($appExists.IdentifierUris) -notcontains $appURI ) {
        Write-Output "Updating Application IdentifierUris"
        $appExists | Update-AzADApplication -IdentifierUri $appURI


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