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如何在 JUnit 测试中访问 Karate 配置参数?

[英]How to access Karate config parameters in JUnit tests?

有没有办法在 JUnit 测试中从 karate-config.js 访问配置参数?



function fn() {   
  var env = karate.env; // get java system property 'karate.env'
  karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);
  if (!env) {
    env = 'dev'; // a custom 'intelligent' default
  var config = { // base config JSON
    appId: 'my.app.id',
    appSecret: 'my.secret',
    someUrlBase: 'https://some-host.com/v1/auth/',
    anotherUrlBase: 'https://another-host.com/v1/'
  if (env == 'stage') {
    // over-ride only those that need to be
    config.someUrlBase = 'https://stage-host/v1/auth';
  } else if (env == 'e2e') {
    config.someUrlBase = 'https://e2e-host/v1/auth';
  // don't waste time waiting for a connection or if servers don't respond within 5 seconds
  karate.configure('connectTimeout', 5000);
  karate.configure('readTimeout', 5000);
  return config;


public class MyTest {

    public void test() {
        // How to access e.g. config.appId?


但为什么 !?

有多种方法,但首先 - 也许您过度设计了一些东西,并注意可以在空手道中读取*.properties文件: properties.feature

您还可以使用单个空场景创建功能文件 - 并从 Java API 调用它: https : //github.com/intuit/karate#java-api

Map<String, Object> result = Runner.runFeature('classpath:foo.feature', null, true);

这将为您提供返回Map的 config 值。


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