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从AWS DMS连接到Oracle DB的问题

[英]Issue in connecting to Oracle DB from AWS DMS

我想运行DMS任务以将数据从本地Oracle DB复制到AWS上的Mysql。 我已经具有防火墙访问权限,并且能够从AWS ec2实例远程登录到oracle DB服务器。 另外,我可以使用相同的用户名/密码,来自sql developer的连接字符串登录数据库,但是当我在DMS上测试端点时,它将失败并显示以下错误。


Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: ORA-12545: 
Connect failed because target host or object does not exist OCI connection failure.,
 Application-Detailed-Message: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
 OCI connection failure. ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist OCI connection 
 failure. Command get_owner_list failed when creating the stream component. requested object was not found 
 in the repository. Failed getting stream handle requested object was not found in the repository. 
 create_stream_handle failed requested object was not found in the repository. 
 Getting DB object ('A4NOXXXXXXXXXK2N2U') info from repository failed requested object was not found in
 the repository. Command get_owner_list failed when creating the stream component. requested object was not
found in the repository. Failed getting stream handle requested object was not found in the repository. 
 create_stream_handle failed

我检查了网络和数据库端,似乎没有问题。 请提出建议。

之前我有一个类似的问题,我假设使用相同的VPC创建DMS和Oracle实例将保证它们之间的连接。 我还假设为DMS和Oracle实例之间的开放端口添加入口规则也行得通,但是它们之间的连接失败,我发现了两种方法:

首先:创建一个没有公共IP地址的DMS实例,目标连接将通过验证。 它第一次工作




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