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如何使用steam 3为iOS应用程序上传模型的文件

[英]How to upload files for a model using vapor 3 for an iOS app

我想使用Vapor 3作为我的后端制作iOS应用程序。 我创建的用于表示我的对象的模型包含一些属性,这些属性将是.png和.plist文件等文件。 我无法理解如何使用multipart来获取这些文件并在我发出POST请求时将它们发送到我的模型端点。

我也很困惑我应该将哪些数据类型设置为我的Model类中的那些文件属性。 在“内容”部分下的多部分文档( https://docs.vapor.codes/3.0/multipart/overview/#content )中,他们说要制作一个Struct并将它们的图像设置为Data类型,说你可以使用File类型。 我也看过他们使用String类型的例子。

我希望有人可以澄清我应该将这些属性的数据类型设置为什么以及如何在我的控制器/ ModelController中上传这些文件,我在其中执行保存并在我的启动(路由器:路由器)函数中调用.post()

我已经查看了Multipart蒸汽文档并阅读了这些stackoverflow帖子,但是当我尝试使用post方法时仍然无法理解我应该做什么: - Vapor一次上传多个文件 - 如何使用Vapor处理多部分请求3 - 使用PostgreSQL在Vapor 3中上传图像


import Vapor
import FluentMySQL

final class AppObject: Codable {
  var id: Int?
  var plistFile: String // file
  var imageFile: String // file
  var notes: String
  var name: String

  init(ipaFile: String, plistFile: String, imageFile: String, notes: String, name: String) {
    self.ipaFile = ipaFile
    self.plistFile = plistFile
    self.imageFile = imageFile
    self.notes = notes
    self.name = name

extension AppObject: MySQLModel {}
extension AppObject: Content {}
extension AppObject: Migration {}
extension AppObject: Parameter {}


import Vapor
import Fluent

struct AppObjectsController: RouteCollection {

    func boot(router: Router) throws {
        let appObjectsRoute = router.grouped("api", "apps")
        appObjectsRoute.get(use: getAllHandler)
        appObjectsRoute.post(AppObject.self, use: createHandler)

    func getAllHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[AppObject]> {
        return AppObject.query(on: req).all()

    // what else should I be doing here in order to upload actual files?
    func createHandler(_ req: Request, appobject: AppObject) throws -> Future<AppObject> {
         return appobject.save(on: req)

我见过的一些例子涉及上传Web应用程序,他们返回Future <View>,但由于我正在做iOS应用程序,我不知道是否应该返回HTTPResponseStatus或我的模型对象。




final class AppObject: Codable {
    var id: Int?
    var ipaFile: String // relative path to file in Public dir
    var plistFile: String // relative path to file in Public dir
    var imageFile: String // relative path to file in Public dir
    var notes: String
    var name: String

    init(ipaFile: String, plistFile: String, imageFile: String, notes: String, name: String) {
        self.ipaFile = ipaFile
        self.plistFile = plistFile
        self.imageFile = imageFile
        self.notes = notes
        self.name = name

extension AppObject: MySQLModel {}
extension AppObject: Content {}
extension AppObject: Migration {}
extension AppObject: Parameter {}


struct AppObjectsController: RouteCollection {
    func boot(router: Router) throws {
        let appObjectsRoute = router.grouped("api", "apps")
        appObjectsRoute.get(use: getAllHandler)
        appObjectsRoute.post(PostData.self, use: createHandler)

    func getAllHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[AppObject]> {
        return AppObject.query(on: req).all()

extension AppObjectsController {
    struct PostData: Content {
        let ipaFile, plistFile, imageFile: File
        let name, notes: String

    func createHandler(_ req: Request, payload: PostData) throws -> Future<AppObject> {
        let ipaFile = ServerFile(ext: "ipa", folder: .ipa)
        let plistFile = ServerFile(ext: "plist", folder: .plist)
        let imageFile = ServerFile(ext: "jpg", folder: .image)
        let appObject = AppObject(ipaFile: ipaFile.relativePath, plistFile: plistFile.relativePath, imageFile: imageFile.relativePath, notes: payload.notes, name: payload.name)
        /// we have to wrap it in transaction
        /// to rollback object creating
        /// in case if file saving fails
        return req.transaction(on: .mysql) { conn in
            return appObject.create(on: conn).map { appObject in
                try ipaFile.save(with: payload.ipaFile.data)
                try plistFile.save(with: payload.plistFile.data)
                try imageFile.save(with: payload.imageFile.data)


struct ServerFile {
    enum Folder: String {
        case ipa = "ipa"
        case plist = "plists"
        case image = "images"
        case root = ""

    let file, ext: String
    let folder: Folder

    init (file: String? = UUID().uuidString, ext: String, folder: Folder? = .root) {
        self.file = file
        self.ext = ext
        self.folder = folder

    var relativePath: String {
        guard folder != .root else { return fileWithExt }
        return folder.rawValue + "/" + fileWithExt

    var fileWithExt: String { return file + "." + ext }

    func save(with data: Data) throws {
        /// Get path to project's dir
        let workDir = DirectoryConfig.detect().workDir
        /// Build path to Public folder
        let publicDir = workDir.appending("Public")
        /// Build path to file folder
        let fileFolder = publicDir + "/" + folder.rawValue
        /// Create file folder if needed
        var isDir : ObjCBool = true
        if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: fileFolder, isDirectory: &isDir) {
            try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: fileFolder, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
        let filePath = publicDir + "/" + relativePath
        /// Save data into file
        try data.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath))



struct AppObject: Codable {
    var id: Int
    var ipaFile, plistFile, imageFile: String
    var name, notes: String



import CodyFire

struct AppController: EndpointController {
    static var server: ServerURL? = nil
    static var endpoint: String = "apps"

/// Usually separate file like App+Create.swift
extension AppController {
    struct CreateAppRequest: MultipartPayload {
        var ipaFile, plistFile, imageFile: Attachment
        var name, note: String
        public init (ipaFile: Attachment, plistFile: Attachment, imageFile: Attachment, name: String, note: String) {
            self.ipaFile = ipaFile
            self.plistFile = plistFile
            self.imageFile = imageFile
            self.name = name
            self.note = note

    static func create(_ payload: CreateAppRequest) -> APIRequest<AppObject> {
        return request(payload: payload).method(.post)


/// Replace _ with file data
let ipaFile = Attachment(data: _, fileName: "", mimeType: "ipa")
let plistFile = Attachment(data: _, fileName: "", mimeType: "plist")
let imageFile = Attachment(data: _, fileName: "", mimeType: .jpg)

let payload = AppController.CreateAppRequest(ipaFile: ipaFile, 
                                             plistFile: plistFile,
                                             imageFile: imageFile,
                                             name: "something", 
                                             note: "something")

AppController.create(payload).onRequestStarted {
    /// it calls only if request started properly
    /// start showing loading bar
}.onError { error in
    let alert = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: error.description, preferredStyle: .alert)
    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel))
    self.present(alert, animated: true)
}.onProgress { progress in
    /// show progress
}.onSuccess { appObject in
    /// show success
    /// here you received just created `appObject`



/// Separate file like App+List.swift
extension AppController {
    static func list() -> APIRequest<[AppObject]> {
        return request()


AppController.list().onSuccess { appObjects in
    /// `appObjects` is `[AppObject]`



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