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[英]What is a better way to initialize varibles in Java with less code?


我在想可能有一种循环或排列这些的方法。 当我尝试将它们放入数组中时,语法错误出了。 也许arrayList或treeMap是更好的方法? 我对那些结构有些生疏。 我是否想深入了解?

private JMenuItem one                      = new JMenuItem("One");
private JMenuItem two                      = new JMenuItem("Two");
//...                                      = ...;
//...                                      = ...;
private JMenuItem sixtySeven               = new JMenuItem("Sixty    Seven");

for(conditions or array looping)
    private JMenuItem i = new JMenuItem(i.toString().proper());//I have to research if there is even a "proper" method.
//Revised example below:
private JMenu edit                           = new JMenu("Edit");
private JMenu format                         = new JMenu("Format");
private JMenu view                           = new JMenu("View");
private JMenu help                           = new JMenu("Help");
private JMenuItem save                       = new JMenuItem("Save");
private JMenuItem open                       = new JMenuItem("Open");
private JMenuItem exit                       = new JMenuItem("Exit");



private JMenuItem[] menuItems = new JMenuItem[67];
    // This code is in an initializer block and will
    // run regardless of which constructor is called.
    for (int i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
        this.menuItems[i] = new JMenuItem(numberToWords(i + 1));

private static String numberToWords(int number) {
    // Code here

有关numberToWords实现,请参见如何在Java numberToWords 数字转换为单词


使用Java 8以后,我将进行流传输和收集。 那应该节省很多行。

private static final int START = 1;
private static final int END = 67;
private List<JMenuItem> list;

private void initializeList(){

   /*You will need the convertIntToSpelledString(int) method
    *as @Andy Thomas mentioned above in his comment

   this.list = IntStream.rangeClosed(START, END).boxed()
                        .map(i -> new JMenuItem(convertIntToSpelledString(i))


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