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[英]How do I loop through and add key values to values

我希望能够遍历此对象并将“键”值添加到值中,以便它可以轻松用于项目。 我正在从网站上抓取数据以获取数据 我已经能够获取数据,但我需要对其进行格式化,这是我的代码,我一直在思考下一步是什么。



  • 服务器:“USSouth2”

  • 费用:100

  • 多少:56

  • 时间:28


let options = {
    url: 'https://www.realmeye.com/items/misc/',
    headers: {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36'
var result = [];
request(options, function(err, resp, html) {
    if (!err) {

        const $ = cheerio.load(html);
        let servers = $('.cheapest-server').attr('data-alternatives');

        servers.forEach(function(nexus) {
                servername: nexus[0],
                cost: nexus[1],
                howmuch: nexus[2],
                time: nexus[3]

JSON 对象(这可能会因网站数据而异)

["USSouth2 Nexus",100,56,28],["EUSouth Nexus",100,62,25],["AsiaSouthEast Nexus",100,58,25],["EUNorth2 Nexus",100,64,24],["EUEast Nexus",100,55,24],["USWest2 Nexus",100,73,23],["USMidWest2 Nexus",100,53,21],["USEast2 Nexus",100,98,17],["EUWest Nexus",100,66,11],["EUSouthWest Nexus",100,86,10],["USNorthWest Nexus",100,87,9],["USSouthWest Nexus",100,67,9],["EUWest2 Nexus",100,89,8],["USWest Nexus",100,66,8],["USSouth Nexus",100,54,7],["USMidWest Nexus",100,90,6],["USSouth3 Nexus",100,82,6],["USEast Nexus",100,65,1]]

我收到此错误TypeError: servers.forEach is not a function

我已经更新了代码片段。 请立即检查。

 let servers = [["USSouth2 Nexus",100,56,28],["EUSouth Nexus",100,62,25],["AsiaSouthEast Nexus",100,58,25],["EUNorth2 Nexus",100,64,24],["EUEast Nexus",100,55,24],["USWest2 Nexus",100,73,23],["USMidWest2 Nexus",100,53,21],["USEast2 Nexus",100,98,17],["EUWest Nexus",100,66,11],["EUSouthWest Nexus",100,86,10],["USNorthWest Nexus",100,87,9],["USSouthWest Nexus",100,67,9],["EUWest2 Nexus",100,89,8],["USWest Nexus",100,66,8],["USSouth Nexus",100,54,7],["USMidWest Nexus",100,90,6],["USSouth3 Nexus",100,82,6],["USEast Nexus",100,65,1]]; var result = []; servers.forEach(function(nexus) { result.push({ servername: nexus[0], cost: nexus[1], howmuch: nexus[2], time: nexus[3] }); }); console.log(result);

我已经修复它我忘了解析 JSON 这里是通过创建一个新变量的答案

let jsonData = JSON.parse(servers);


创建一个具有四个键的数组,按出现在单个 JSON 数组值中的顺序。 使用数组的map方法遍历数组并操作每个值,使用 the 和reduce方法将数组转换为对象。


 // Your JSON. const json = [["USSouth2 Nexus",100,56,28], ["EUSouth Nexus",100,62,25]]; // The four keys of the object. In order of the JSON array. const keys = ['servername', 'cost', 'howmuch', 'time']; // Loop over servers and return an object reduces from an array. const servers = json.map(server => server.reduce((acc, cur, i) => { let key = keys[i]; acc[key]= cur; return acc; }, {})); console.log(servers);

首先,您需要检查服务器是否已发送,如果是,则为数组 anf 的形式,然后遍历服务器并获取您的数据

const servers = $('.cheapest-server').attr('data-alternatives');

if (servers && Array.isArray(servers) && servers.length) {
  const result = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < servers.lenght; i += 1) {
    const entity = servers[i];
    const objBuilder = {
      servername: entity[0] || null,
      cost: entity[1] || null,
      howmuch: entity[2] || null,
      time: entity[3] || null,
} else {
  // Error handling or pass an empty array


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