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如何使用 Puppeteer 和 Chrome DevTools 协议修改请求标头? (可能是JS语法问题)

[英]How to modify request headers using Puppeteer & Chrome DevTools Protocol? (Possibly a JS syntax issue)

我有以下 Typescript 函数,假设已经使用 Puppeteer 启动了 Chrome 浏览器。 下面使用的 Fetch 函数的文档可以在这里找到。

async function modify(client: CDPSession) {
    client.on('Fetch.requestPaused', async ({ requestId, request, frameId, resourceType, responseErrorReason, responseStatusCode, responseHeaders, networkId }) => {
        // Correctly prints out the User-Agent header's value

        // After this line is run, I can inspect the request.headers object and see that User-Agent was successfully edited
        request.headers['User-Agent'] = 'trying to edit this header';

        // Continuing the request gives an error
        await client.send('Fetch.continueRequest', {
            requestId: requestId,
            headers: request.headers,



如何解决此错误并成功修改request.headers 这是我无法弄清楚的愚蠢的 Javascript/Typescript 语法问题吗?

Fetch.requestPaused将标头作为对象返回。 例如:

    "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml"}

Fetch.continueRequest需要一个Array<{name: string, value: string}> 例如

    {"name": "Accept", value: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml"}

您可以使用 Puppeteer 正在使用的代码:

function headersArray(headers) {
  const result = [];
  for (const name in headers) {
    if (!Object.is(headers[name], undefined))
      result.push({name, value: headers[name] + ''});
  return result;


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