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[英]How to document merge a parent record and all of its child records

我正在创建一个从Google App Maker到Google Document模板的文档合并(邮件合并)。 合并单个记录时,我可以成功完成此操作,但是如何将多个记录合并到一个文档中?


Johan W提出了类似的问题( 与Google App Maker合并文档 ),Markus Malessa和Pavel Shkleinik提出了全面的答案(谢谢!)。 但是,它仅适合合并单个记录的情况。

我试图通过使用第二个for循环来获取所有关联子记录的数据来建立他们的答案。 该脚本可以运行,但似乎只合并了第一个子记录。 不是所有的人。


function Export(key, key2) {

// Get the parent record by its key, which was passed by the first parameter above
var record = app.models.Purchase_Orders.getRecord(key);

// Get the first child record by its key, which was passed by the second parameter above
var childRecord = app.models.Purchase_Order_Line_Items.getRecord(key2);

// Get the Google Document which will be used as a template for this merge
var templateId = '1Xbt8camqHJYrhBnx0a6G2-RvTvybqU0PclHifcdiLLA';

//Set the filename of the new merge document to be created
var filename = 'Document for Customer ' + new Date();

//Make a copy of the template to use as the merge document
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(templateId).makeCopy(filename);

//Get the Google Docs ID of the newly created merge document
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var copyBody = copyDoc.getBody();

// Replace the field names in the template with the field data from the parent record
var fields = app.metadata.models.Purchase_Orders.fields;

for (var i in fields) {
var text = '<<' + fields[i].name + '>>';
var data = record[fields[i].name];

if (data !== null) {
    copyBody.replaceText(text, data);
    } else {
    // do nothing


// Replace the field names in the template with the field data from the child records
childFields = app.metadata.models.Purchase_Order_Line_Items.fields;

for (i in childFields) {
var childtext = '<<' + childFields[i].name + '>>';
var childdata = childRecord[childFields[i].name];

if (childdata !== null) {
    copyBody.replaceText(childtext, childdata);
    } else {
    // do nothing







function Export(key) {

// Get the parent record by its key, which was passed by the first parameter above
var record = app.models.Purchase_Orders.getRecord(key);

// Get the first child record by its key, which was passed by the second parameter above
var childRecords = record.Purchase_Order_Line_Items;

// Get the Google Document which will be used as a template for this merge
var templateId = '1Xbt8camqHJYrhBnx0a6G2-RvTvybqU0PclHifcdiLLA';

//Set the filename of the new merge document to be created
var filename = 'Document for Customer ' + new Date();

//Make a copy of the template to use as the merge document
var copyFile = DriveApp.getFileById(templateId).makeCopy(filename);

//Get the Google Docs ID of the newly created merge document
var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyFile.getId());
var copyBody = copyDoc.getBody();

// Replace the field names in the template with the field data from the parent record
var fields = app.metadata.models.Purchase_Orders.fields;

for (var i in fields) {
var text = '<<' + fields[i].name + '>>';
var data = record[fields[i].name];

if (data !== null) {
    copyBody.replaceText(text, data);
    } else {
    // do nothing


// Replace the field names in the template with the field data from the child records
var childFields = app.metadata.models.Purchase_Order_Line_Items.fields;
var table = [];
var tableheader = [];

for (i in childFields) {

for (i in childRecords) {
  var data = [];
  for (var j in childFields) {

表格的构建基于2D数组,文档位于https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/document/table 但是,您还需要删除预建表,而只附加一个表。 这样,您就不必像当前在文档模板中那样固定子记录的数量。 另外,childRecords的变量可能会也可能不会工作,因为我不确定预取是否可以与.getRecord(key)结合使用,所以我尚未对其进行测试。 这可能需要一些其他测试,但希望它将提供足够的指导。

以为我会添加它作为替代。 假设您保留表格,但删除所有行(标题行除外),则仍然可以使用DocumentApp服务将行添加到表格中,如下所示:

var tableheaderfieldnames = ['Quantity_for_PO', 'Inventory_Item.id', 'Unit_Price']; //set a fixed table header with the field names, uncertain if the table header for the related inventory item will work or not
    var table = copyBody.getTables()[0];
    for (i in childRecords) {
      var row = table.appendRow();
      for (var j in tableheaderfieldnames) {



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