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[英]Interface and extending

在如何使用以下代码甚至可能的情况下遇到问题。 我是新来的。 我有以下内容:


public interface variables extends library{
     public int func1(String a, String b);
     public int func2(String a, String b); 


public CallVariables extends variables{
    String hi = "Hi";
    String by = "Bye";
    //Then here somehow call my variables.java and be able to use it...


// Now, here I want to be able to actually call the first or either the second .java class.
// Is this possible? If yes, then how? 


通过指定关键字“interface”来声明接口。 例如:

interface MyInterface
   /* All the methods are public abstract by default
    * As you see they have no body
   public void method1();
   public void method2();


这就是 class 实现接口的方式。 它必须提供在接口中声明的所有方法的主体,或者换句话说,您可以说 class 必须实现接口的所有方法。

class 实现了接口,但一个接口扩展了另一个接口。

interface MyInterface
   /* compiler will treat them as: 
    * public abstract void method1();
    * public abstract void method2();
   public void method1();
   public void method2();
class Demo implements MyInterface
   /* This class must have to implement both the abstract methods
    * else you will get compilation error
   public void method1()
    System.out.println("implementation of method1");
   public void method2()
    System.out.println("implementation of method2");
   public static void main(String arg[])
    MyInterface obj = new Demo();


implementation of method1

我希望这可以更清楚地说明 class 如何与接口一起工作。

请遵循接口和 class 的命名约定。 class可以实现interafce,interface可以扩展另一个接口,class可以扩展一个class。 这可能会帮助您:

interface Library{}
//First variables.java:
     interface Variables extends Library{
         public int func1(String a, String b);
         public int func2(String a, String b); 

//Second call Variables.java
     class CallVariables implements Variables{
         String hi = "Hi";
         String by = "Bye";
         //Then here somehow call my variables.java and be able to use it...
        public int func1(String a, String b) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            System.out.println("func1 says :"+hi);
            return 1;
        public int func2(String a, String b) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            System.out.println("func2 says :"+by);
            return 2;
//Third main.java
     //Now, here I want to be able to actually call the first or either the second .java class. 
    // Is this possible? If yes, then how? 
     public class Main{
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Variables variables = new CallVariables();
            variables.func1("a", "b");
            variables.func2("c", "d");


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