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使用 Swift 解析我的嵌套 JSON 数据的正确方法是什么?

[英]What is the correct way to parse my nested JSON data using Swift?

我是 Swift 和 iOS 开发的新手,我目前正在学习如何使用 JSON 数据。

我正在尝试解析嵌套的 JSON 数据并显示以下 output:

White hex value is #ffffff
Black hex value is #000000
Gray10 hex value is #f5f7f8
Gray20 hex value is #e8eced
Gray30 hex value is #d5d9db
Gray40 hex value is #b6bec2
Gray50 hex value is #8e999e
Gray60 hex value is #69757a
Gray70 hex value is #495257
Gray80 hex value is #333a3d
Gray90 hex value is #1f2426
Purple10 hex value is #ffc7f2
Purple20 hex value is #f59de2
Purple30 hex value is #e07ecb
Purple40 hex value is #d160b7
Purple50 hex value is #b34fa0
Purple60 hex value is #964286
Purple70 hex value is #773569
Purple80 hex value is #5b284f
Purple90 hex value is #401c36

我能够解析一个简单的 JSON 文件,例如:

  "color": {
    "white": { "value": "#fff" },
    "black": { "value": "#000" }

但是,我无法弄清楚如何将嵌套数据(见下文)正确解码为structs并将graypurple与其数字intensity(10-90)连接起来,如上面所需的 output 所示。

这是我的操场代码,其中嵌套的 JSON 数据不起作用:

import Foundation

let json = """
  "color": {
    "white": { "value": "#fff" },
    "black": { "value": "#000" },
    "gray": {
      "10": { "value": "#f5f7f8" },
      "20": { "value": "#e8eced" },
      "30": { "value": "#d5d9db" },
      "40": { "value": "#b6bec2" },
      "50": { "value": "#8e999e" },
      "60": { "value": "#69757a" },
      "70": { "value": "#495257" },
      "80": { "value": "#333a3d" },
      "90": { "value": "#1f2426" }
    "purple": {
      "10": { "value": "#ffc7f2" },
      "20": { "value": "#f59de2" },
      "30": { "value": "#e07ecb" },
      "40": { "value": "#d160b7" },
      "50": { "value": "#b34fa0" },
      "60": { "value": "#964286" },
      "70": { "value": "#773569" },
      "80": { "value": "#5b284f" },
      "90": { "value": "#401c36" }
""".data(using: .utf8)!

struct color: Codable {
  let value: String
  struct intensity {
    let value: String

struct Entry: Codable {
  let color: [String: color]

let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()

do {
  let parsedJSON = try jsonDecoder.decode(Entry.self, from: json)
  for color in parsedJSON.color {
    print("\(color.key) hex value is \(color.value.value)")

最终,此功能将最终出现在 iOS 应用程序中。

上面代码中显示的(部分)JSON数据是实际生产数据。 它以这种格式提供给我。 所以我无法更改 JSON 数据的定义或嵌套方式。

我将不胜感激有关如何解析嵌套 JSON 数据并显示如上所示数据的一些指导。

除非您知道颜色名称是什么,否则您不能使用 Codable 进行 go。 但是,您可以使用一些自定义解码逻辑来创建您从上面的 json 定义的结构数组。 示例游乐场代码可能如下所示。

import UIKit

struct MyColor {
    let name: String
    let value: String

    var console: String {
        return name + " hex value is " + value

let json = "{\"color\":{\"white\":{\"value\":\"#fff\"},\"black\":{\"value\":\"#000\"},\"gray\":{\"10\":{\"value\":\"#f5f7f8\"},\"20\":{\"value\":\"#e8eced\"},\"30\":{\"value\":\"#d5d9db\"},\"40\":{\"value\":\"#b6bec2\"},\"50\":{\"value\":\"#8e999e\"},\"60\":{\"value\":\"#69757a\"},\"70\":{\"value\":\"#495257\"},\"80\":{\"value\":\"#333a3d\"},\"90\":{\"value\":\"#1f2426\"}},\"purple\":{\"10\":{\"value\":\"#ffc7f2\"},\"20\":{\"value\":\"#f59de2\"},\"30\":{\"value\":\"#e07ecb\"},\"40\":{\"value\":\"#d160b7\"},\"50\":{\"value\":\"#b34fa0\"},\"60\":{\"value\":\"#964286\"},\"70\":{\"value\":\"#773569\"},\"80\":{\"value\":\"#5b284f\"},\"90\":{\"value\":\"#401c36\"}}}}"

func parse() throws -> [MyColor] {
    var myColors: [MyColor] = []
    if let data = json.data(using: .utf8) {
        if let root = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as? [String:Any] {
            if let colors = root["color"] as? [String:Any] {
                for color in colors.keys {
                    if let valueNode = colors[color] as? [String:String] {
                        if let value = valueNode["value"] {
                            myColors.append(MyColor(name: color, value: value))
                    } else if let variants = colors[color] as? [String:[String:String]] {
                        for key in variants.keys {
                            if let variant = variants[key] {
                                if let value = variant["value"] {
                                    myColors.append(MyColor(name: color + key, value: value))
    return myColors

if let colors = try? parse() {
    for color in colors {


我为此使用了 JSONSerialization 和两个结构,ColorData 和 ColorSaturation,并在 ColorData 的 init 中处理了大部分转换

struct ColorData {
    let name: String
    let values: [ColorSaturation]

    init?(name: String, values: Any) {
        self.name = name
        if let single = values as? [String: String] {
            guard let colorValue = single["value"] else { return nil }
            self.values = [ColorSaturation(level: nil, value: colorValue)]
        } else if let colorValues = values as? [String: [String: String]] {
            var values = [ColorSaturation]()
            for (key, colorValue) in colorValues {
                guard let level = Int(key), let value = colorValue["value"] else { continue }
                values.append(ColorSaturation(level: level, value: value))
            self.values = values
        } else {
            return nil

struct ColorSaturation {
    let level: Int?
    let value: String


do {
    if let result = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: [String: Any]] {
    let colors = result["color"].map { $0.map {colorData in ColorData(name: colorData.key, values: colorData.value) }}

} catch {


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