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Excel VBA - 如何在一个单元格中识别年份(日期),然后检查另一个单元格中的数据,然后计算

[英]Excel VBA - how to identify the year (date) in one cell then check another cell for the data there and then count

帮助。 Excel VBA 在这里相当新,我现在正在参加一些付费课程以变得更好,但我遇到了障碍,谷歌搜索并没有让我得到我正在寻找的结果。

我有一个不断增长的跟踪电子表格,它在列中显示有关我们已处理的数据(我们称之为“构建它”),然后显示我们已经检查(我们称之为已审计)的数据我们已经在其他列中处理。 我想查找已处理的年份,并查找是否已审核,无论审核年份如何,如果是,则将其加起来。 我想每年都这样做,所以 2017 年、2018 年、2019 年、2020 年等等等等。


例如,搜索包含我们处理 2017 年数据的日期的列 J,然后查看同一行中的已审计列(也包含日期),如果其中有任何内容并计数 1。然后一次又一次地执行直到整个范围都经过检查。 每次我们找到 2017 年的日期时,我们都会添加一个,并且每年都会这样做。 在搜索结束时,需要在仪表板表中输入每年的结果。


这是我到目前为止所得到的,但我一直遇到错误。 要么是“next without for”,要么是我现在不记得了。 我已经在谷歌上搜索并添加了各种东西并移动它等等。我确定我在这里做的事情显然是错误的,但我只是没有看到它。 请帮助这里的新手。

Sub CountAudits()

Dim CellBuild As Range
Dim CellAudit As Range
Dim CellDateCount2017 As Long

For Each CellBuild In Sheet1.Range("J:J500") 'column J contains a date MMYYDD what we call "build" data in other words we processed it.

If CellBuild.Value = "2017" Then 'this checks if the date it was processed was in 2017

For Each CellAudit In Sheet1.Range("Q:Q500") 'this is the column containing the date it was audited. It will be blank if it was not audited.

If CellAudit.Value <> "" Then 'this checks if it's been audited. I don't care about the date just as long a there is something in the cell

CellDateCount2017 = CellDateCount2017 + 1 'if the processed date was 2017 and it was audited it adds a count of 1 to here.

Exit For

Sheet2.Range("V18").Value = CellDateCount2017 'Sheet2 is the sheet code name to the dashboard

Next ' I keep getting an "Next without for" error for this here. I've added all sorts of ends, end ifs, etc. but I can't figure it out.
End If

End Sub

我找到了 SUMPRODUCT,我想我可以用它来计算 2017 年出现在我的列中的次数,但是我如何让它把它加起来并把它放到仪表板上? 例如SUMPRODUCT(1*(YEAR(J1:J500)=2017))

如果只是弄清楚这些东西不是那么有趣,我可以离开它。 我被“这个 excel VBA 的东西很有趣”的错误所困扰。

您嵌套了 FOR 和 IF 错误。 试试下面的代码。 我没有检查功能,我只纠正了循环:

Sub CountAudits()

Dim CellBuild As Range
Dim CellAudit As Range
Dim CellDateCount2017 As Long

    For Each CellBuild In Sheet1.Range("J:J500") 'column J contains a date MMYYDD what we call "build" data in other words we processed it.

        If CellBuild.Value = "2017" Then 'this checks if the date it was processed was in 2017

            For Each CellAudit In Sheet1.Range("Q:Q500") 'this is the column containing the date it was audited. It will be blank if it was not audited.

                If CellAudit.Value <> "" Then 'this checks if it's been audited. I don't care about the date just as long a there is something in the cell

                CellDateCount2017 = CellDateCount2017 + 1 'if the processed date was 2017 and it was audited it adds a count of 1 to here.

                End If

            Next CellAudit

            Sheet2.Range("V18").Value = CellDateCount2017 'Sheet2 is the sheet code name to the dashboard

        End If

    Next CellBuild

End Sub


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