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Scala,猫 - 如何使用 IO(或其他单子)和任何一个创建无标签最终实现?

[英]Scala, cats - how to create tagless-final implementation with IO (or other monad) and Either?


trait UserRepositoryAlg[F[_]] {

  def find(nick: String): F[User]

  def update(user: User): F[User]

class UserRepositoryInterpreter extends UserRepositoryAlg[Either[Error, *]] {
  override def find(nick: String): Either[Error, User] = for {
    res <- users.find(user => user.nick == nick).toRight(UserError)
  } yield res

  override def update(user: User): Either[Error, User] = for {
    found <- users.find(u => u.nick == user.nick).toRight(UserError)
    updated = found.copy(points = found.points + user.points)
  } yield updated

在这里,我想使用EitherEitherT来“捕获”错误,但我也想使用IOFuture作为主要单子。 在我的主要 class 中,我创建了对此实现的调用:

 object Main extends App {

  class Pointer[F[_] : Monad](repo: UserRepositoryAlg[F]) {
    def addPoints(nick: String): EitherT[F, Error, User] = {
      for {
        user <- EitherT.right(repo.find(nick))
        updated <- EitherT.right(repo.update(user))
      } yield Right(updated)
  val pointer = new Pointer[IO](new UserRepositoryInterpreter{}).addPoints("nick")

但是在创建pointer的行中,IntelliJ 向我显示错误: Type mismatch - required: UserRepositoryAlg[F], found: UserRepositoryInterpreter ,我不明白为什么。 我用F[_]创建了Pointer class 作为IO并想使用UserRepositoryAlg[F]的实现。 我该如何解决这个问题或者在这种情况下有什么好的做法? 如果我想实现这样的目标: IO[Either[Error, User]]EitherT[IO, Error, User]

我试图将class UserRepositoryInterpreter extends UserRepositoryAlg[Either[Error, *]]更改为class UserRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]] extends UserRepositoryAlg[F[Either[Error, *]]]之类的东西,但它没有帮助。

编辑:我发现了如何通过使用变换A => F[A]Applicative[F]返回F[Either[Error,User]] ] :

class UserRepositoryInterpreter[F[_] : Applicative] extends UserRepositoryAlg[F[Either[Error, *]]] {
  override def find(nick: String): F[Either[Error, User]] = for {
    res <- Applicative[F].pure(users.find(user => user.nick == nick).toRight(UserError))
  } yield res

  override def update(user: User): F[Either[Error, User]] = for {
    found <- Applicative[F].pure(users.find(u => u.nick == user.nick).toRight(UserError))
    updated = Applicative[F].pure(found.map(u => u.copy(points = u.points + user.points)))
  } yield updated

但是我在主要的 function 中仍然存在问题,因为我无法获得EitherRight值:

 def addPoints(nick: String): EitherT[F, Error, User] = {
      for {
        user <- EitherT.liftF(repo.find(nick))
        updated <- EitherT.rightT(repo.update(user))
      } yield Right(updated)

这里updated <- EitherT.rightT(repo.update(user)) userEither[Error, User] ,但我只需要传递User 所以我尝试做类似的事情: Right(user).map(u=>u)并通过它,但它也无济于事。 我应该如何取这个值?

F[_]描述了你的主要影响。 理论上,您可以使用任何 monad(甚至任何更高种类的类型),但在实践中,最好的选择是 monad,它允许您像cats-effectFuture一样暂停执行。


你应该做的只是参数化UserRepositoryInterpreter ,你可以选择你的效果单子。 如果你想同时使用Either来处理错误和F来暂停效果,你应该使用 monad stack F[Either[Error, User]]


import cats.Monad
import cats.data.EitherT
import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import cats.implicits._

case class User(nick: String, points: Int)

trait UserRepositoryAlg[F[_]] {

  def find(nick: String): F[Either[Error, User]]

  def update(user: User): F[Either[Error, User]]

//UserRepositoryInterpreter is parametrized, but we require that F has typeclass Sync,
//which would allow us to delay effects with `Sync[F].delay`.
//Sync extends Monad, so we don't need to request is explicitly to be able to use for-comprehension
class UserRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Sync] extends UserRepositoryAlg[F] {

  val users: mutable.ListBuffer[User] = ListBuffer()

  override def find(nick: String): F[Either[Error, User]] = for {
    //Finding user will be delayed, until we interpret and run our program. Delaying execution is useful for side-effecting effects,
    //like requesting data from database, writting to console etc.
    res <- Sync[F].delay(Either.fromOption(users.find(user => user.nick == nick), new Error("Couldn't find user")))
  } yield res

  //we can reuse find method from UserRepositoryInterpreter, but we have to wrap find in EitherT to access returned user
  override def update(user: User): F[Either[Error, User]] = (for {
    found <- EitherT(find(user.nick))
    updated = found.copy(points = found.points + user.points)
  } yield updated).value

object Main extends App {

  class Pointer[F[_] : Monad](repo: UserRepositoryAlg[F]) {
    def addPoints(nick: String): EitherT[F, Error, User] = {
      for {
        user <- EitherT(repo.find(nick))
        updated <- EitherT(repo.update(user))
      } yield updated

  //at this point we define, that we want to use IO as our effect monad
  val pointer = new Pointer[IO](new UserRepositoryInterpreter[IO]).addPoints("nick")

  pointer.value.unsafeRunSync() //at the end of the world we run our program



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