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SQL 获取最近的日期

[英]SQL to get the closest date


select *
from Table1
where id = 80
  and startdate = (select top 1 startdate 
                   from Table1 
                   where id = 80
                   order by abs(convert(float, getdate() - StartDate)))



如果您想要数据类似于id = 80startdate的行,您可以使用以下内容:

select top (3) t1.*
from (select t1.*,
             max(case when id = 80 then startdate end) over () as date_80
      from Table1 t1
     ) t1
order by abs(datediff(day, startdate, date_80));


select top (1) t1.*
from (select t1.*,
             max(case when id = 80 then startdate end) over () as date_80
      from Table1 t1
     ) t1
where id <> 80
order by abs(datediff(day, startdate, date_80))

如果出现像今天 12 月 10 日这样的情况,而您有 12 月 15 日和 12 月 5 日,则按 startdate 降序对最接近的记录进行子排序必须将较晚的日期放在列表的顶部。

我还将使用内置的 function DATEDIFF,将日期视为 FLOAT 是一种具有一些缺点的古老技术,包括可能对天数的一部分产生混淆

    select * from Table1 where id = 80 
         and startdate = (select top 1 startdate from Table1 
         where id = 80 
            order by 
                abs(DATEDIFF(day,getdate(),startdate)) ASC,  --use a built in function over FLOAT
                StartDate DESC)    --If there are equidistant dates, this will take the higher of those dates

我想您只需要在查询中添加startdate<>t1.startdate如下所示。 缺少它可能导致与 output 相同的开始日期

     select * from Table1 t1
      where id = 80 
     and startdate = (select top 1 
    startdate from Table1 
     where id = 80 and startdate<>t1. 
     startdate order by 
    abs(convert(float,getdate() - 


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