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如何在 F# 中包装 printfn?

[英]How to wrap printfn in F#?

我已阅读有关延续和部分应用程序的信息; 我也知道 kprintf function。


let myPrintFunction format variable_length_arguments_list =
    let a = sprintf format variable_length_ argument_list
    do other things

this this 的语法是什么?


myPrintFunction "%s : %i" "hello" 3


这与如何实现具有可变数量 arguments 的方法不同? 因为这个问题是在询问如何使用可变数量的 arguments 制作方法,但我面临的问题是将可变数量的参数传递给下一个 function(sprintf),它也采用可变数量的 ZDBC11CAA5BDA27F77E6FB4DABD8 或者,至少这就是我认为问题所在。

可以在此处找到基于 Scott 提出的解决方案的测试代码: https://dotnetfiddle.net/oCzcS9

我想演示 ksprintf function,因为它接受一个延续,允许您将结果字符串传递给例如日志系统。


let writeStringToConsole (s: string) = Console.WriteLine ("OUTPUT : " + s)

所以现在,如果我们只有 writeStringToConsole,我们如何让它接受 F# 格式?

let printToConsole format = Printf.ksprintf writeStringToConsole format


type DU = A | B
let i = 7
let s = "thirteen"
let du = B

printToConsole """an int %i and a string "%s" here""" i s
printToConsole """an int %i and a string "%s" and DU %A here""" i s du

// OUTPUT : an int 7 and a string "thirteen" here
// OUTPUT : an int 7 and a string "thirteen" and DU B here

// Note that OUTPUT is also part of the actual output,
// and it demonstrates how you can add e.g. a timestamp
// or line number or something to the output string, without
// it being part of the formatting.


格式字符串必须是文字。 这是因为必须在编译时读取文字字符串以计算必须返回的 function 以便吞噬格式字符串后面的任何值/类型。

例如,如果您执行printToConsole "%i %s %A %A" 7 "x" myType yourType ,那么您将在使用它的printToConsole的签名中看到int -> string -> MyType -> YourType

有一种方法可以在这个系统中使用纯字符串作为格式字符串,但我不记得它是如何完成的,而且无论如何它破坏了类型安全。 它在进行字符串国际化时派上用场,并且由于外部翻译服务,您的格式字符串必须来自资源而不是 F# 源。



type ILogger =


    abstract member Debugf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
    abstract member Verbosef: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
    abstract member Infof: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
    abstract member Warningf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
    abstract member Errorf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h
    abstract member Fatalf: StringFormat<'h, unit> -> 'h


type internal SiLogger(session: Session) =
    let slogf = Printf.ksprintf


    interface ILogger with


    member _.Debugf format = slogf session.LogDebug format
    member _.Verbosef format = slogf session.LogVerbose format
    member _.Infof format = slogf session.LogMessage format
    member _.Warningf format = slogf session.LogWarning format
    member _.Errorf format = slogf session.LogError format
    member _.Fatalf format = slogf session.LogFatal format

还有一个 null 记录器。

let slogf = Printf.ksprintf

let dummyLog _ = () // The parameter is the title string.

let dummy format = slogf dummyLog format

let getNullLogger () =
    { new ILogger with


        member _.Debugf format = dummy format
        member _.Verbosef format = dummy format
        member _.Infof format = dummy format
        member _.Warningf format = dummy format
        member _.Errorf format = dummy format
        member _.Fatalf format = dummy format


open System

let myPrintFunction (format: Printf.StringFormat<_>) ([<ParamArray>] args) =
    let a = sprintf format args

myPrintFunction "%s : %i" "hello" 3

要将 PrintF 添加为成员 function,这是我能得到的最接近的。 如您所见,我必须单独传递格式字符串(在构造函数中,或者我可以使用属性设置器)。 I could find no way to pass the format string as the first parameter of the PrintF function as I could for a free function (see my other answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/58822618/5652483 ).

另外,如果我取消注释this.RaiseSomeEvent msg行,它就会中断。 所以我找不到让 PrintF function 产生副作用的方法。


type Foo (format: Printf.StringFormat<_>) =
    member this.RaiseSomeEvent msg = printf "%s" msg

    member this.PrintF ([<ParamArray>] args) =
        let msg = sprintf format args
        //this.RaiseSomeEvent msg

let foo = Foo("%s : %i")
foo.PrintF "hello" 3


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