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[英]Heterogeneous array that conforms to protocol with associated type in Swift

我有一个协议AProtocol与关联类型AType和 function aFunc 我想扩展Array使其符合协议,方法是使用其元素aFunc function 的结果。 显然,这只有在数组的元素符合Aprotocol并且具有相同的关联类型时才有可能,所以我设置了这个玩具示例:

protocol AProtocol {
    associatedtype AType
    func aFunc(parameter:AType) -> Bool

extension Array : AProtocol where Element : AProtocol, Element.AType == Int {
    func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
        return self.reduce(true, { r,e in r || e.aFunc(parameter: parameter) })

extension String : AProtocol {
    func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
        return true

extension Int : AProtocol {
    func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
        return false

这适用于仅包含一种类型的 arrays :

let array1 = [1,2,4]
array1.aFunc(parameter: 3)

但是对于异构 arrays,我收到错误Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional ,然后如果按如下方式注释,则Value of type '[Any]' has no member 'aFunc'

let array2 = [1,2,"Hi"] as [Any]
array2.aFunc(parameter: 3)

是否可以按照我的意愿扩展 Array 以便允许异构 arrays 只要它们符合AProtocol并且具有相同的AType





protocol BProtocol {
    func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool

extension String : BProtocol {
    func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
        return true

extension Int : BProtocol {
    func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
        return false

extension Array : BProtocol where Element == BProtocol {

    func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
        return self.reduce(true, { r,e in r || e.aFunc(parameter: parameter) })


let a1 : [BProtocol] = [1, 2, 3, "Hi"]

let boolean = a1.aFunc(parameter: 1)


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