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将 X,Y 像素转换为经度和纬度

[英]Convert X,Y pixel to Longitude and Latitude

我有一张来自 map 的一部分的 8640x11520 像素的真实比例图像。 我需要将我的 x,y 点转换为坐标,有人知道吗?


var mapWidth = 8640;
var mapHeight = 11520;

var mapLatitudeStart = 28.349768989955244;
var mapLongitudeStart = -81.55803680419922;

var maxLatitude = 28.349806758250104;
var maxLongitude = -81.541128;

var pointNeedConversion = {'x': 4813.10 'y': 2674.84};
var pointLatitude = ??

当您映射到纬度/经度时,请注意,您不能使用线性比例来执行此操作,而是必须检查 map 应用了哪种投影,然后相应地转换坐标。

通常地图是WGS84 投影,因此您必须应用墨卡托投影的逆公式。



    // include the library
    <script src="lib/proj4js-combined.js"></script>  //adjust the path for your server
                                                     //or else use the compressed version
    // creating source and destination Proj4js objects
    // once initialized, these may be re-used as often as needed
    var source = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:4326');    //source coordinates will be in Longitude/Latitude, WGS84
    var dest = new Proj4js.Proj('EPSG:3785');     //destination coordinates in meters, global spherical mercators projection, see http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3785/

    // transforming point coordinates
    var p = new Proj4js.Point(-76.0,45.0);   //any object will do as long as it has 'x' and 'y' properties
    Proj4js.transform(source, dest, p);      //do the transformation.  x and y are modified in place

    //p.x and p.y are now EPSG:3785 in meters

摘录: 在给定图片上将 long/lat 转换为像素 x/y


 var dest = new proj4.Proj('EPSG:4326'); //destination coordinates coordinates will be in Longitude/Latitude, WGS84, global spherical mercators projection, see http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3785/ var source = new proj4.Proj('EPSG:3785'); //source coordinates in meters $("#convert").on("click", function(){ var p = new proj4.Point($("#x").val(), $("#y").val() ); proj4.transform(source, dest, p); alert("lng: " +px + " \nlat: " + py); });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/proj4js/2.3.3/proj4.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> x: <input type="number" id="x" /> y: <input type="number" id="y" /> <button id="convert">Convert</button>

注意:如果您打算将 map 用于 GPS 信号,则必须了解 map 角的纬度/经度。



仔细观察(例如)格陵兰岛的大小,在墨卡托投影空间坐标上它看起来比北美大 当然不是!


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