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递归地将文件夹名称附加到其中的文件并将所有文件移动到基本文件夹 Windows 批处理文件

[英]Recursively append folder name to files in it and moves all files to base folder Windows batch file

我想递归地将文件夹(和父文件夹)名称附加到文件夹包含的每个 *.txt 文件。 之后我想将所有文件移动到基本文件夹并删除所有文件夹。 我需要在 Windows BATCH 脚本中实现这一点。 例如:




为此,感谢 JosefZ,我找到了这个解决方案:

递归地将文件夹名称附加到 Windows 批处理文件中的文件

@echo OFF
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
for /F "delims=" %%G in ('dir /B /S "C:\Source\*.txt"') do (
    for %%g in ("%%~dpG.") do rename "%%~fG" "%%~nxg_%%~nxG"

其中 FOR 循环是:

  • 外部 %%G 循环创建 .txt 文件的静态列表(递归),并且
  • 内部 %%g 循环获取每个特定文件的父文件夹。

但这只解决了我目标的一部分。 谁能帮忙?


@Set "BaseFolder=C:\Users\Mustafa\BaseFolder"
@ForFiles /P "%BaseFolder%" /S /M *.txt /C "Cmd /C If @IsDir==FALSE For /F 0x22Tokens=*Delims=.\0x22 %%# In (@RelPath)Do @If Not 0x22%%#0x22==@File Set 0x22_=%%#0x22&Call Move /Y 0x22%BaseFolder%\%%#0x22 0x22%BaseFolder%\%%_:\=-%%0x22>NUL"

请注意,这个未经测试的解决方案很可能有命令行长度限制。 因此,如果您的初始基础文件夹在卷内很深和/或其树很深或包含长文件和目录名称,我会避免使用它。 鉴于警告信息,请记住根据需要调整第一行的完整路径值。


@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=.\BaseFolder" & rem // (target base directory)
set "_MASK=*.txt"        & rem // (file search pattern)
set "_CHAR=-"            & rem // (separator character)

rem // Switch to target directory:
pushd "%_ROOT%" && (
    rem // Loop through list of relative paths of matching files:
    for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%E in ('
        xcopy /L /S /I "%_MASK%" "%TEMP%" ^| find ":"
    ') do (
        rem // Store current relative file path, initialise variables:
        set "FILE=%%F" & set "NAME=" & set /A "NUM=0"
        rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid trouble with `!` and `^`:
        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        rem // Loop through all individual elements of file relative path:
        for %%I in ("!FILE:\=" "!") do (
            rem // Store current path element and count them:
            set "ITEM=%%~I" & set /A "NUM+=1"
            setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
            rem // Build new file name and pass it over `endlocal` barrier:
            for /F "delims=" %%N in ("!NAME!%_CHAR%!ITEM!") do (
                set "NAME=%%N"
                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        rem // Finalise new file name:
        if defined _CHAR set "NAME=!NAME:*%_CHAR%=!"
        rem // Actually move and rename the current file:
        > nul move "!FILE!" "!NAME!"
        rem // Switch to parent directory of current file:
        pushd "!FILE!\.." && (
            rem // Loop through parent directory elements:
            for /L %%N in (2,1,!NUM!) do (
                rem // Try to remove parent directory when empty, go one up:
                set "DD=!CD!" & cd ".." & 2> nul rd "!DD!"
            rem // Return to previous working directory:
     rem // return to original working directory:

exit /B


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