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[英]Async function inside an async function returns undefined value

我在一个 JS 类中工作,我无法弄清楚为什么colors.ColorCheck(0).ColorCodecolors.ColorCheck(0).Color返回undefined值。


我很确定我在主函数( ColorCheck )中声明两个函数( this.ColorCodethis.Color )时遗漏了一些东西,但我看不出是什么。

我是 JS 的新手,所以如果解决方案对你们来说很明显,我不会感到惊讶。

class Colors {


    async ColorCheck(ID){
        this.ColorCode = (async()=>{
            this.info = await axios.get ('https://.../${ID}.json')
            this.CodeC = this.info.map(t=>t.colorcode)
            return this.CodeC
        this.Color = (async()=>{
            this.info = await axios.get ('https://.../${ID}.json')
            this.C = this.info.map(t=>t.color)
            return this.C

const colors = new Colors()

您的ColorCheck函数没有返回任何内容,因此当将其调用为colors.ColorCheck(0) ,将返回undefined

我想,而不是设置this.ColorCodethis.Color ,与this指的是Color的实例,你真正想要的是有两个键,返回一个对象ColorCodeColor ,其值是两个咖喱异步功能,这将使一个GET调用时使用提供的id请求。


 // Just mocking axios for this example: const axios = { get: (url) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`Making a request to ${ url }...`); setTimeout(() => { resolve([{ colorCode: '#F00', color: 'red', }, { colorCode: '#0F0', color: 'green', }, { colorCode: '#00F', color: 'blue', }]); }, 2000); }), }; class Colors { constructor() { } ColorCode(id) { return { ColorCode: (async () => { const info = await axios.get(`https://.../${ id }.json`); return info.map(t => t.colorCode); }), Color: (async () => { const info = await axios.get(`https://.../${ id }.json`); return info.map(t => t.color); }), }; } } const colors = new Colors(); const returnedValue = colors.ColorCode(0); (async () => { console.log((await returnedValue.ColorCode()).join(', ')); console.log((await returnedValue.Color()).join(', ')); })();
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: none !important; }

您还可以将 axios 调用移动到ColorCode函数(不使其成为async ),以便每次调用两个返回的函数中的任何一个时都不会发出额外的请求:

 // Just mocking axios for this example: const axios = { get: (url) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`Making a request to ${ url }...`); setTimeout(() => { resolve([{ colorCode: '#F00', color: 'red', }, { colorCode: '#0F0', color: 'green', }, { colorCode: '#00F', color: 'blue', }]); }, 2000); }), }; class Colors { constructor() { } ColorCode(id) { // Note there no `await` here: const infoPromise = axios.get(`https://.../${ id }.json`); return { ColorCode: (async () => { return (await infoPromise).map(t => t.colorCode); }), Color: (async () => { return (await infoPromise).map(t => t.color); }), }; } } const colors = new Colors(); const returnedValue = colors.ColorCode(0); (async () => { console.log((await returnedValue.ColorCode()).join(', ')); console.log((await returnedValue.Color()).join(', ')); })();
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: none !important; }

欢迎! 只记得awaitthen主机异步功能


async function a() {
  return await http.get(...)
a() // undefined (promise awaiting resolve)
await a(); // expected value
a().then(value => console.log(value)) // expected value

function a()情况下,您可以只返回异步任务本身,无论如何您都必须稍后解决:

function a() {
  return http.get(...)

a() // undefined (promise awaiting resolve)
await a() // expected value
a().then(...) // expected value

还: - 您将this.ColorCode指定为 (n async) 函数,这意味着您必须调用它才能将值重新调整到它:

await Colors.ColorCheck('0'); // Colors.ColorCode and Colors.Color are now being assigned
await Colors.ColorCode(); // this.CodeC is being assigned to the class Colors + returned. which means from now on Colors.CodeC is also accessible
await Colors.Color() // assigns Colors.C a value + returns it. from now on Colors.C is also accessible

note that Colors.info is also assigned and overridden each time you call any of the functions (Colors.ColorCode / Colors.Color)

  • this关键字最有可能被误用:请参阅 MDN 中的这篇文章。 当前,您的值存储在class Colors上下文中,而不是可能只是使用const将它们存储在函数的上下文中。 例如:
const info = await axios...
const c = info.map(...);
return c;


this.info = await axios.get ('https://.../${ID}.json');


this.info = await axios.get (`https://.../${ID}.json`);


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