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Jenkins 管道将 Node + Gulp 项目中生成的战争发布到 Artifactory

[英]Jenkins pipeline to publish war generated in Node + Gulp project to Artifactory

我有一个gulp build ,它在build目录中创建了一个war文件。

是否有 Jenkins 管道将这个war文件直接发布到 Artifactory。

请注意,我正在为 Jenkins 使用声明性管道

Jenkins 的JFrog Artifactory 插件支持声明式管道
您可以使用 rtUpload 命令将文件上传到 Artyifactory

rtUpload (
    serverId: 'Artifactory-1',
    spec: '''{
          "files": [
              "pattern": "build/war/*.war",
              "target": "my-repo/my-path/"

    // Optional - Associate the uploaded files with the following custom build name and build number,
    // as build artifacts.
    // If not set, the files will be associated with the default build name and build number (i.e the
    // the Jenkins job name and number).
    buildName: 'my-build',
    buildNumber: '42'


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