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安卓:Kotlin - Retrofit2 - Moshi | 使用复杂的 json

[英]Android: Kotlin - Retrofit2 - Moshi | working with complex json

我正在尝试使用此 API 请求获取游戏列表。 https://steamspy.com/api.php?request=top100forever

但是我相信我的问题是所有游戏都在另一个东西里面,只有 appid。 这就是响应的样子

  "10": {
    "appid": 10,
    "name": "Counter-Strike",
    "developer": "Valve",
    "publisher": "Valve",
    "score_rank": "",
    "positive": 143404,
    "negative": 3739,
    "userscore": 0,
    "owners": "20,000,000 .. 50,000,000",
    "average_forever": 9671,
    "average_2weeks": 815,
    "median_forever": 287,
    "median_2weeks": 925,
    "price": "99",
    "initialprice": "999",
    "discount": "90"
  "30": {
    "appid": 30,
    "name": "Day of Defeat",
    "developer": "Valve",
    "publisher": "Valve",
    "score_rank": "",
    "positive": 3885,
    "negative": 463,
    "userscore": 0,
    "owners": "5,000,000 .. 10,000,000",
    "average_forever": 259,
    "average_2weeks": 0,
    "median_forever": 33,
    "median_2weeks": 0,
    "price": "49",
    "initialprice": "499",
    "discount": "90"

我的 apiService:

private const val BASE_URL_GAMES = "https://steamspy.com/"

private val moshi = Moshi.Builder()

//OkhttpClient for building http request url
private val tmdbClient = OkHttpClient().newBuilder()

private val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

interface GameApiService{
    fun getTop100(): Deferred<List<Game>>


object GameApi {
    val retrofitService: GameApiService by lazy {


enum class GameApiStatus { LOADING, ERROR, DONE }

class GameOverviewViewModel : ViewModel() {
    // TODO: Implement the
    private val _response = MutableLiveData<String>()
    private val _status = MutableLiveData<GameApiStatus>()

    //private var gameRepository: GameRepository = GameRepository()

    // The external immutable LiveData for the response String
    val response: LiveData<GameApiStatus>
        get() = _status

    private val _properties = MutableLiveData<List<Game>>()
    val properties: LiveData<List<Game>>
        get() = _properties

    // Create a Coroutine scope using a job to be able to cancel when needed
    private var viewModelJob = Job()

    // the Coroutine runs using the Main (UI) dispatcher
    private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(viewModelJob + Dispatchers.Main )

    init {

    private fun getTop100() {
        coroutineScope.launch {
            // Get the Deferred object for our Retrofit request
            var getPropertiesDeferred = GameApi.retrofitService.getTop100()
            try {
                // Await the completion of our Retrofit request
                var listResult = getPropertiesDeferred.await()
                _status.value = GameApiStatus.DONE
                _properties.value = listResult
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                val error = e.message
                _status.value = GameApiStatus.ERROR
                _properties.value = ArrayList()

     * When the [ViewModel] is finished, we cancel our coroutine [viewModelJob], which tells the
     * Retrofit service to stop.
    override fun onCleared() {


data class Game(
    //var id:Int,
    @field:Json(name = "appid")
    var appid:Int,
    @field:Json(name = "name")
    var name:String
    //var desc:String

在这一点上,我一直在苦苦挣扎,我可能在路上弄坏了更多东西,哈哈,我认为我需要某种适配器,但我绝对一无所知。 试图尽可能接近我们课程中的完成方式,但此时我会采取任何工作方式:D


interface GameApiService{
fun getTop100(): Deferred<List<Game>>

你在你的代码中说你会得到一个Game对象的List ,但你的 api 没有给你。

这是来自您的 api 的响应:

  "10": {
    "appid": 10,
  "30": {
    "appid": 30,

在此示例中,您的 API 返回的是一个对象10 ,其中包含许多其他数据,以及一个对象30 ,其中包含许多其他数据。 似乎1030包含相同的字段,因此可以在以后提供帮助。


data class GameServiceResponse(
    @Json(name = "10") val 10: Game,
    @Json(name = "30") val 30: Game

然后您更改您的GameApiService以接受此响应。 但是,您从一开始就没有收到List ,因此必须这样做。

interface GameApiService{
fun getTop100(): Deferred<GameServiceResponse>


另一件事:由于您使用的是 moshi,我相信您仍然需要告诉 api 类您正在使用 moshi 反序列化(如果您的适配器正在执行此部分,则可能不需要):

interface GameApiService{

fun getTop100(): Deferred<GameServiceResponse>



interface GameApiService{
    fun getTop100(): Deferred<Map<String,Game>>



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