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为什么我不能在方法中引用从 JavaScript 原型继承的方法

[英]Why can't I refer to the inherited method from JavaScript prototype within method

当我使用 JavaScript 原型来继承一个对象并想通过以下方式使用它的方法时:

 var Father = { name:'Father', act:function(){ console.log('the name is '+this.name); } } var Son = function(){ act(); } Son.__proto__ = Father; Son();

这不起作用,当 Js 引擎运行Son() ,它应该通过它的原型链搜索act()


 var Father = { name:'Father', act:function(){ console.log('the name is '+this.name); } } var Son = { name:'Son' } Son.__proto__=Father; Son.act();


仅仅因为您希望SonFather那里继承并不意味着 JS 知道您想要这样做。 当您尝试使用act() JS 不知道您想要将SonFather ……就 JS 而言,它们是完全不同的函数/对象/等......并且对于所有 JS 知道的人来说都具有绝对零关系.

同样,您需要在适当的范围内使用实际的act函数 - JS 不知道您的意图是什么 - 您如何期望 JS 知道从哪个对象中提取act() ......如果有一个Mother对象一种act方法?...


 var Father = { name:'Father', act:function(){ console.log('the name is '+this.name); } } function act() { return this.name; } var Son = function(){ act(); } Son.__proto__ = Father; Son.act();


 var Father = { name:'Father', act:function(){ console.log('the name is '+this.name); } } var Son = function(){ // using 'act();' here is no different than trying: somethingThatDoesntExist(); } Son.__proto__ = Father; try { Son(); } catch { console.log("Oh no error\\r\\n\\r\\n"); } // If you don't assign anything.. // It will work... because of inheritence.. Son = {} // MAKING SON AN OBJECT NOT A FUNCTION Son.__proto__ = Father; // If you don't change the name, it will log: 'the name is Father' Son.name = "Son"; console.log("Son as an object {} ... we had to do `Son.name = 'Son'` here"); Son.act(); console.log(""); // But if you change Son to be a function, then inherit, you dont have to // change the name... 2 completely different things.... Son = function(){} Son.__proto__ = Father; console.log("Son as an function(){} ... we DID NOT have to do `Son.name = 'Son'` here since Son.name will be the name of the function, which is Son"); Son.act();


 var Father = { name: 'Father', act: function() { console.log('the name is ' + this.name); } } var Son = function() { function act() { return this.name; } } Son.__proto__ = Father; Son.act();


 var Father = { name:'Father', act:function(){ console.log('the name is '+this.name); } } var Son = { name:'Son' } Son.__proto__ = Father; Son.act();


 var Father = { name:'Father', act:function(){ console.log('the name is '+this.name); } } var Son = { anythingYouWantHere: function() { console.log("anythingYouWantHere " + this.name); } } try { Son.act() // YOU WILL GET AN ERROR HERE } catch { console.log("YOU WILL GET AN ERROR HERE"); } Son.__proto__ = Father; Son.act(); // the name is Father Son.anythingYouWantHere(); // anythingYouWantHere Father Son.name = "Son"; Son.act(); // the name is Son Son.anythingYouWantHere(); // anythingYouWantHere Son Son.act = function() { console.log("I have now changed act! the name is " + this.name); } Son.act(); // I have now changed act! the name is Son


1) 编写Sonprototype对象,而不是__proto 有关差异的讨论,请参阅此问题 (TL;DR: prototype是设置为对象/函数继承源的对象__proto__是用于查找和解析对方法/属性的引用的结果原型链。)

2) 用new关键字实例化Son

var Father = {
    return 'hello';
var Son = function(){}
Son.prototype = Father; //<-- prototype, not __proto__
let foo = new Son(); //<-- instantiate with 'new'
foo.act(); //"hello";


var Son = function(){


act 不是对象的任何属性。 它只是一个指向函数的变量。

当您尝试访问对象的属性时,只有 Javascript 首先检查该属性是否存在于该对象中,如果不存在,则仅在其原型中搜索,直到原型为空。


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