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使用命名范围使用 vba 创建 excel 数据验证

[英]Create excel data validation with vba using named ranges


Function createCascadingDropDown(sourceTable As ListObject, targetTable As ListObject, targetTableCorespondingColumn As Integer, targetWs As Worksheet, targetWsDropDownColumn As Integer)
    Dim currentDropDownList As String, dropDownName As String, formula As String
    Dim validationVariable As Validation
    currentDropDownListName = targetWs.Name & "CurrentDropDownList"
    dropDownName = targetWs.Name & "DropDown"
    targetWs.Names.Add Name:=currentDropDownListName, RefersToLocal:="=INDEX(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & currentDropDownListName & ";1;1):INDEX(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & currentDropDownListName & ";COUNTA(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & currentDropDownListName & "))"
    targetWs.Names.Add Name:=dropDownName, RefersToLocal:="=INDEX(" & sourceTable.Name & ";0;MATCH(INDEX(" & targetTable.Name & "[@];" & CStr(targetTableCorespondingColumn) & ");" & sourceTable.Name & "[#Headers];0))"
    formula = "=" & dropDownName
    With targetWs.columns(targetWsDropDownColumn).EntireColumn.Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=formula
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputTitle = ""
        .InputMessage = ""
        .ErrorTitle = ""
        .ErrorMessage = ""
        .ShowInput = False
        .ShowError = True
    End With
    targetWs.Cells(1, targetWsColumn).Validation.Delete
End Function


问题发生在我添加验证的行中。 这里出现错误“应用程序定义或对象定义的错误”。

当我添加断点并手动执行此步骤时,它可以工作,尽管事实上,excel 告诉我“源当前评估为错误。您想继续吗?”。 这可能是问题所在; 至少我发现了thisthis ,两者都没有帮助。 将 IFERROR 包裹在公式周围使其无效。

所以我还尝试将 RefereToLocal 设置为一个空单元格(例如“=$A$20”),然后再更改它。 现在的问题是,它不再接受完全相同的公式:

targetWs.Names.Item(dropDownName).RefersToLocal ="=INDEX(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & currentDropDownListName & ";1;1):INDEX(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & currentDropDownListName & ";COUNTA(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & currentDropDownListName & "))"

我真的没有想法了。 如果您有任何要解决的原始问题(使用 vba 实现无 vba 级联下拉菜单),我很乐意解决这些问题!

由于到目前为止这里没有人有想法,我想这个问题很难解决或无法解决。 如果其他人想以编程方式创建级联下拉菜单,这里有一个解决方法,它可以在没有表格的情况下工作,因为我认为表格是问题所在。 顺便说一句,可以事后格式的工作表为表:

Function createCascadingDropDown(sourceWs As Worksheet, targetWs As Worksheet, targetCorespondingColumn As Integer, targetDropDownColumn As Integer, sourceNumberOfRowsPerColumnAs Object)
    Dim numberOfColumns As Integer, numberOfRows As Integer, targetLastRow As Long
    Dim targetCorespondingColumnSecondRowRange As String, valDataName As String, counterName As String, useListeName As String
    valDataName = "ValData" & sourceWs.Name
    counterName = "Counter" & sourceWs.Name
    useListeName = "UseListe" & sourceWs.Name
    targetLastRow = targetWs.Rows.CountLarge
    numberOfCulumns = sourceNumberOfRowsPerColumn.Count
    'Get the maximum number of rows in the source worksheet
    numberOfRows = 0
    For Each columnKey In sourceNumberOfRowsPerColumn.Keys
        If sourceNumberOfRowsPerColumn(columnKey) > numberOfRows Then
            numberOfRows = sourceNumberOfRowsPerColumn(columnKey)
        End If
    Next columnKey
    targetCorespondingColumnSecondRowRange = targetWs.Cells(1, targetCorespondingColumn).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=True)
    targetWs.Names.Add Name:=counterName, RefersTo:="=COUNTA(INDEX(" & valDataName & ",,MATCH(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & targetCorespondingColumnSecondRowRange & "," & sourceWs.Name & "!$1:$1,0)))"
    targetWs.Names.Add Name:=useListeName, RefersTo:="=INDEX(" & valDataName & ",1,MATCH(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & targetCorespondingColumnSecondRowRange & "," & sourceWs.Name & "!$1:$1,0)):INDEX(" & valDataName & "," & counterName & ",MATCH(" & targetWs.Name & "!" & targetCorespondingColumnSecondRowRange & "," & sourceWs.Name & "!$1:$1,0))"
    With targetWs.Range(targetWs.Cells(2, targetDropDownColumn), targetWs.Cells(targetLastRow, targetDropDownColumn)).Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & useListeName
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputTitle = ""
        .InputMessage = ""
        .ErrorTitle = ""
        .ErrorMessage = ""
        .ShowInput = False
        .ShowError = True
    End With
End Function

其中sourceNumberOfRowsPerColumn必须是一个字典,而Master列是在列targetCorespondingColumn其他地方创建的。 此外,此解决方案仅允许一个级联步骤,并且Master列的源位于不同的工作表中。

作为此解决方案的基础,我以https://www.contextures.com/xlDataVal15.html 中的示例为例。


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