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如何使用 Stripe 和 PHP 增加付款次数(订阅)

[英]How to increment the number of payments with Stripe and PHP (for a subscription)

我正在尝试设置订阅并计算付款次数(使用 webhook)。 我正在使用此文档: https : //stripe.com/docs/recipes/installment-plan#signing-up-a-customer-for-an-installment-plan

但它是 Ruby on Rails。 我尝试添加元数据来计算付款:

       $subscription = \Stripe\Subscription::create(array(
  "customer" => $customer->id,
  "items" => array(
          "plan" => $plan->id,
   "metadata" => ["number_payments" => 0]));

然后在我的 webhook 页面中,我想检索订阅并增加付款次数,但我不理解也不知道如何使用 PHP(来自此处的 Stripe 示例代码):

def increment_payments_count(event)
# Grab the subscription line item.
sub =  event.data.object.lines.data[0]

# Execute only for installment plans.
if !sub.metadata[:installments_paid].nil?
# Recommendation: Log invoices and check for duplicate events.
# Recommendation: Note that we send $0 invoices for trials.
#                 You can verify the `amount_paid` attribute of
#                 the invoice object before incrementing the count.

    # Retrieve and increment the number of payments.
    count = sub.metadata[:installments_paid].to_i
    count += 1

感谢您的帮助 !

您需要使用“更新订阅 API”来更新这里的元数据: https : //stripe.com/docs/api/subscriptions/update?lang=ruby#update_subscription- metadata


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