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与从 Citrix 加载的 Outlook 共享日历

[英]Shared Calendar with Outlook loaded from Citrix

我在 Excel 中有以下功能来访问 Outlook 中的共享日历文件夹并列出指定日期范围内的所有特定约会(从其主题中识别)。 由于 Outlook 是从 Citrix 服务器加载的,该代码似乎无法正常工作。 我对此不太确定,需要有人帮助解决这个问题。

Option Explicit

Function GetColleagueAppointments(dtStartAppt As Date, dtEndAppt As Date, strUserName As String) 'As String
' Purpose:      List down all colleague's client meetings between date range
' Inputs:       dtStartAppt         Start date to search
'               dtEndAppt           End date to search
'               strUserName         Colleague calendars to search
' Assumptions:  * User must have access to the appropriate shared calendars in
'                 Outlook

Dim objOL As New Outlook.Application    ' Outlook
Dim objNS As NameSpace                  ' Namespace
Dim OLFldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder        ' Calendar folder
Dim OLAppt As Object                    ' Single appointment
Dim OLRecip As Outlook.Recipient        ' Outlook user name
Dim OLAppts As Outlook.Items            ' Appointment collection
Dim oFinalItems As Outlook.Items
Dim strRestriction As String                    ' Day for appointment
Dim strList() As String                 ' List of all available timeslots
Dim dtmNext As Date                     ' Next available time
Dim intDuration As Integer              ' Duration of free timeslot
Dim i As Integer                        ' Counter
Dim lr As Long, r As Long
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet

'FastWB True
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Meeting List")

Const C_Procedure = "GetColleagueAppointments"    ' Procedure name
'This is an enumeration value in context of getDefaultSharedFolder
Const olFolderCalendar As Byte = 9

strRestriction = "[Start] >= '" & _
                    Format$(dtStartAppt, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AMPM") _
                    & "' AND [End] <= '" & _
                    Format$(dtEndAppt, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AMPM") & "'"

' loop through shared Calendar for all Employees in array
Set objNS = objOL.GetNamespace("MAPI")

With ws
    On Error Resume Next
    Set OLRecip = objNS.CreateRecipient(strUserName)


    'If OLRecip.Resolved Then
        'Set olFolder = olNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objOwner, olFolderCalendar)
        Set OLFldr = objNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(OLRecip, olFolderCalendar)
    'End If

    ' calendar not shared
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        '#   Employee    Date    Start   End Client  Agenda  Location
        r = Last(1, .Columns("G")) + 1
        .Range("F" & r).Value = r - 1                           '#
        .Range("G" & r).Value = strUserName                       'Employee
        .Range("H" & r).Value = "Calendar not shared" 'Format(dtStartAppt, "d-mmm-yyyy")   'Date
        .Range("I" & r).Value = "Calendar not shared"           'Start
        .Range("J" & r).Value = "Calendar not shared"           'End
        .Range("K" & r).Value = "Calendar not shared"           'Client
        .Range("L" & r).Value = "Calendar not shared"           'Agenda
        .Range("M" & r).Value = "Calendar not shared"           'Location

        GoTo ExitHere
    End If

    'On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    Set OLAppts = OLFldr.Items

    ' Sort the collection (required by IncludeRecurrences)
    OLAppts.Sort "[Start]"

    ' Make sure recurring appointments are included
    OLAppts.IncludeRecurrences = True

    ' Filter the collection to include only the day's appointments
    Set OLAppts = OLAppts.Restrict(strRestriction)

    'Construct filter for Subject containing 'Client'
    Const PropTag  As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/"
    strRestriction = "@SQL=" & Chr(34) & PropTag _
                        & "0x0037001E" & Chr(34) & " like '%Client%'"

    ' Filter the collection to include only the day's appointments
    Set OLAppts = OLAppts.Restrict(strRestriction)

    ' Sort it again to put recurring appointments in correct order
    OLAppts.Sort "[Start]"

    With OLAppts
        ' capture subject, start time and duration of each item
        Set OLAppt = .GetFirst

        Do While TypeName(OLAppt) <> "Nothing"
            r = Last(1, .Columns("G")) + 1

            '- Client - HSBC - Trade Reporting
            '#   Employee    Date    Start   End Client  Agenda  Location

            If InStr(LCase(OLAppt.Subject), "client") > 0 Then
                strList = Split(OLAppt.Subject, "-")
                .Range("F" & r).Value = r - 1
                .Range("G" & r).Value = strUserName
                .Range("H" & r).Value = Format(dtStartAppt, "d-mmm-yyyy")
                .Range("I" & r).Value = OLAppt.Start
                .Range("J" & r).Value = OLAppt.End
                .Range("K" & r).Value = Trim(CStr(strList(1)))
                .Range("L" & r).Value = Trim(CStr(strList(2)))
                .Range("J" & r).Value = OLAppt.Location

            End If
            Set OLAppt = .GetNext
    End With
End With

    On Error Resume Next
    Set OLAppt = Nothing
    Set OLAppts = Nothing
    Set objNS = Nothing
    Set objOL = Nothing
    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & C_Procedure & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    Resume ExitHere
End Function

删除第一个On Error Resume Next (下面的With ws )并发布代码失败的行。

此外,您提到 Outlook 在 Citrix 服务器上运行。 我希望您在运行 Outlook 的同一个实例中运行此脚本,否则我不确定您期望与 Outlook 实例的通信会如何发生。



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