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如何将 char[] 写入结构体?

[英]How to write char[] into struct?


#define SETA_NAME "SETA"
#define SETB_NAME "SETB"
#define SETC_NAME "SETC"
#define SETD_NAME "SETD"
#define SETE_NAME "SETE"
#define SETF_NAME "SETF"


struct set
    char name[SET_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
    unsigned int input[INPUT_ARR_SIZE];

typedef struct set SETA, SETB, SETC, SETD, SETE, SETF;


    SETA setA;
    memcpy(setA.name, SETA_NAME, sizeof(SETA_NAME));
    SETB setB;
    memcpy(setA.name, SETB_NAME, sizeof(SETB_NAME));
    SETC setC;
    memcpy(setA.name, SETC_NAME, sizeof(SETC_NAME));
    SETD setD;
    memcpy(setA.name, SETD_NAME, sizeof(SETD_NAME));
    SETE setE;
    memcpy(setA.name, SETE_NAME, sizeof(SETE_NAME));
    SETF setF;
    memcpy(setA.name, SETF_NAME, sizeof(SETF_NAME));

    printf("\nNAME : %s", setA.name);
    printf("\nNAME : %s", setB.name);
    printf("\nNAME : %s", setC.name);
    printf("\nNAME : %s", setD.name);
    printf("\nNAME : %s", setE.name);
    printf("\nNAME : %s", setF.name);


NAME : d?v



memcpy(setA.name, SETA_NAME, sizeof(SETA_NAME));
memcpy(setA.name, SETB_NAME, sizeof(SETB_NAME));
memcpy(setA.name, SETC_NAME, sizeof(SETC_NAME));
memcpy(setA.name, SETD_NAME, sizeof(SETD_NAME));
memcpy(setA.name, SETE_NAME, sizeof(SETE_NAME));
memcpy(setA.name, SETF_NAME, sizeof(SETF_NAME));

您可能对初始化结构感兴趣 在 C 中(以及在广泛增强的方式中,在 C++ 中)结构可以用花括号中的值列表进行初始化。 每个值代表一个成员; 最后缺少的成员用 0 初始化(这意味着一对空的花括号用 0 初始化每个成员)。

对于字符数组,可以使用字符串文字进行初始化,因此您可以将预定义的字符串作为初始值设定项。 我写了一个小测试程序用于演示。 享受。


// give the array a reasonable size.
#define SET_NAME_LENGTH 80
#define INPUT_ARR_SIZE 4

#define SETA_NAME "SETA"
#define SETB_NAME "SETB"
#define SETC_NAME "SETC"
#define SETD_NAME "SETD"

struct set
    char name[SET_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
    unsigned int input[INPUT_ARR_SIZE];

// why? 
// typedef struct set  SETA, SETB, SETC, SETD, SETE, SETF;

int main() 
  // The first improvement: Do value initialization.
  // Each name array is initialized with the characters from the
  // supplied character string literal.
  // All integers in the int array are initialized with 0 in all structs below:
  struct set setA = { SETA_NAME, {0,0,0,0} }; // verbose
  struct set setB = { SETB_NAME, {0} };       // less verbose: omitted members are zeroed.
  struct set setC = { SETC_NAME, {} };        // even less verbose: omitted members are zeroed.
  struct set setD = { SETD_NAME     };        // terse: omitted members are zeroed recursively.

  struct set empty = {}; // Convenient way to zero out everything.

  printf("\nNAME : %s", setA.name);
  printf("\nNAME : %s", setB.name);
  printf("\nNAME : %s", setC.name);
  printf("\nNAME : %s\n", setC.name);

  // Next improvement: Make it an array, because an array can be looped.
  // Note the nested curly braces to initialize the structs in the array.
  struct set setArr[] =
    { {'o', 'h',  '!', '\0'} }, // character array initialized with single chars
    { SETA_NAME },
    { SETB_NAME },
    { SETC_NAME },
    { SETD_NAME },
    { "made up name"},         // extra members!
    { "Last not least name"},

  // This is an idiom: You calculate the number of elements in an array 
  // by dividing the overall array size by the size of one member.
  // The beauty is that we don't have to change anything when the array size changes.
  // Alas, it does not work with pointers.
  const int structCount = sizeof(setArr)/sizeof(*setArr);

  for(int structInd=0; structInd < structCount; structInd++)
      printf("NAME : ->%s<-\n", setArr[structInd].name);

   // The name is the empty string, first char (like all others) is '\0'.
  printf("empty NAME : ->%s<-\n", empty.name);



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