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在 GNOME 扩展中运行异步函数

[英]Running an asynchronous function in a GNOME extension

我想在 GNOME 扩展中运行一个循环。 在 DBus 服务方法调用之后,但 gnome shell 冻结

我了解到扩展在 GLib 的主循环中运行,我应该使用GTask API ,但我找不到使用它的方法,也找不到明确的例子。



 class Foo { constructor () { this._ownName() } _ownName () { Gio.bus_own_name( Gio.BusType.SESSION, 'net.foo', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.NONE, this._onBusAcquired.bind(this), this._noOp, this._noOp ) } _onBusAcquired(connection) { connection.register_object( '/net/foo', GioInterface, this._methodCallClosure.bind(this), this._noOp, this._noOp ) _methodCallClosure(connection, sender, objectPath, interfaceName, methodName, parameters, invocation) { this._listen = true this._runLoop() invocation.return_value(null) } // this function should not block GLib's Main Loop _runLoop () { while(this._listen) { ... } } }



function myPollingFunc(arg1, arg2) {
    if (the_event_occured) {
        // Here is where you will invoke whatever it is you want to do
        // when the event occurs, then destroy the source since the
        // condition has been met.
        this.classMethod(arg1, arg2);

        return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE;

    // If the condition was not met, you can wait until the next loop and
    // check again.
    return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE;

// Probably you'll want to store this ID (maybe as a property on your class),
// so you can destroy the source if the DBus service is destroyed before the
// event you're waiting for occurs.
let sourceId;

sourceId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(
    // Generally this priority is fine, but you may choose another lower one
    // if that makes sense

    // The timeout interval of your loop. As described in the linked article,
    // second-based loops tend to be a better choice in terms of performance,
    // however note that at least one interval will pass before the callback
    // is invoked.

    // Your callback function. Since you're probably creating the source from
    // a class method and intend on modifying some internal state of your class
    // you can bind the function to the class scope, making it's internal state
    // and other methods available to your callback.
    // Function.bind() also allows you to prepend arguments to the callback, if
    // that's necessary or a better choice. As noted above, you'll probably want
    // to store the ID, which is especially important if you bind the callback to
    // `this`.
    // The reason is that the callback will hold a reference to the object it's
    // bound to (`this` === `Foo`), and the source will hold the callback in the
    // loop. So if you lose track of the source and the ability to destroy it, the
    // object will never be garbage collected.
    myPollingFunc.bind(this, arg1, arg2)

您可以对空闲源执行相同的操作,它会等待直到没有更高优先级的事件挂起而不是固定超时。 空闲源的问题是,如果没有其他未决事件,您的回调将几乎与while循环一样快地重复调用,并且您可能会耗尽主循环(例如,使其他事件难以获得支持)在门口)。

另一方面,如果您实际上不需要轮询条件,而是等待发出信号或等待 GObject 属性更改,则可能有更直接的方法来执行此操作:


  _runLoop () {
    // Waiting for some object to emit a signal or change a property
    let handlerId = someObject.connect('some-signal', () => {

        this.classMethod(arg1, arg2);

    let propId = someGObject.connect('notify::some-prop', () => {
        if (someGObject.some_prop === 'expected_value') {

            this.classMethod(arg1, arg2);


在不知道您正在等待什么类型的事件或条件的情况下,很难就最佳解决方案提供更好的建议,但也许这会有所帮助。 我会说一般来说,如果您认为要在某些条件下循环,那么最好在现有 GLib 主循环中检查该条件,而不是创建自己的子循环。


有了更多的上下文,似乎您将依赖外部流程,以一种或另一种方式。 在这种情况下,我强烈建议避免在 GLib 中使用较低级别的 spawn 函数,而是使用 GSubprocess。

对于更高级别的语言绑定,这是一个更安全的选择,并且还包括用 C 编写的辅助函数,您可能最终会重写这些函数:

onProcExited(proc, result) {
    try {
        proc.wait_check_finish(proc, result);
    } catch (e) {

onLineRead(stdout, result) {
    try {
        let line = stdout.read_line_finish_utf8(result)[0];

        // %null generally means end of stream
        if (line !== null) {
            // Here you can do whatever processing on the line
            // you need to do, and this will be non-blocking as
            // all the I/O was done in a thread.

            // Now you can request the next line
            stdout.read_line_async(null, onLineRead.bind(this));
    } catch (e) {

startFunc() {
    this._proc = new Gio.Subprocess({
        argv: ['proc_name', '--switch', 'arg', 'etc'],
        flags: Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE

    // Get the stdout pipe and wrap it in a buffered stream
    // with some useful helpers
    let stdout = new Gio.DataInputStream({
        base_stream: this._proc.get_stdout_pipe()

    // This function will spawn dedicated a thread, reading and buffering
    // bytes until it finds a line ending and then invoke onLineRead() in
    // in the main thread.
        null // Cancellable, if you want it

    // Check the process completion
    this._proc.wait_check_async(null, onProcExited.bind(this));

编写这样的递归读取循环非常简单,GTask 函数( *_async() / *_finish() )负责为您安排主循环中的回调。 所有 I/O 都在一个专用线程中完成,因此您处理输出的工作都是非阻塞的。

当您最终删除对this._proc的引用时,您可以确信所有管道和资源都已正确清理,避免悬空文件描述符、僵尸进程等。 如果您需要提前退出流程,您可以随时调用Gio.Subprocess.force_exit() 读取循环本身将在 stdout 管道包装器上保存一个引用,因此您可以让它去做它的事情。


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