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[英]Neo4J COALESCE in relationship

我正在尝试创建关系,但由于某种原因,我无法在我的关系查询中使用合并。 我完全卡住了,其中一些可能格式不正确,但我试图一步一步地修复它。 这是我的代码

/* Get the kill assassin and student by relation UUID*/
'MATCH (a:Student)-[r:TARGET]->(t:Student) WHERE r.uuid = $uuid ' +
/* Lets Kill the student and set confirmed to true */
'SET r.confirmed = true, t.IsDead = true WITH ' +
/* Delete any teachers that may have the target of the student*/
'MATCH (t)<-[tr:TARGET]-(:Teacher) DELETE r ' +
/* Get the assassinated persons target. Set them as X. */
'MATCH (t)-[ar:TARGET]->(x:Student) WHERE ar.confirmed = false AND x.IsDead = false ' +
/* Lets deal with anyone who inherited our target if we are dead :(*/
'OPTIONAL MATCH (t)<-[sr:TARGET]-(ss:Student) WHERE sr.confirmed = false AND ss.IsDead = false ' +
/* Lets steal their kill node and set them as our new target unless of course someone decided to kill us and nab them */
'CREATE (COALESCE(t,a))-[nr:TARGET {killed:false,confirmed:false}]->(t) '

编辑:我清理了我的代码很多。 只是为了记录 coalesce 不能在关系中使用。 这是那些想知道的人的清理代码。

     * a: The student who made the kill
     * v: The victim of the kill
     * r: the relationship between a and t
     * x: the victims target
     * tr (OPTIONAL) : the teacher who we hired to kill our target
     * ss: The person who will be inheriting t(victim)'s target
    /* Get the Killer, set them as A AND set the Victim as T */
    'MATCH (a:Student)-[r:TARGET {uuid:$uuid,confirmed:false}]->(v:Student),' +
    /* Fetch the Victims Target and set them as x */
    '(v)-[:TARGET {confirmed:false}]->(x:Student {IsDead:false}) ' +
    /* Check if we hired a teacher to assassinate our target. Set the relationship to TR (teacher relation)*/
    'OPTIONAL MATCH (v)<-[tr:TARGET]-(:Teacher) ' +
    /* Fetch the alive person who has the target (in-case we died and then it went into review) */
    'MATCH (v)<-[sr:TARGET {confirmed:false}]-(ss:Student {IsDead:false}) ' +
    /* Create a relationship between SS and t */
    'CREATE (ss)-[:TARGET {killed:false,confirmed:false}]->(x) ' +
    /* Set the Kill Relationship to complete and kill the victim */
    'SET r.confirmed = true, v.IsDead = true,a.Balance = a.Balance + 3 ' +
    /* Delete the teacher relationship */
    'DELETE tr ', {uuid:uuid}

您不能在CREATE使用表达式 - 但您可以将该表达式移动到WITH语句中以将其分配给一个变量,然后在您的创建中使用该变量。


/* Lets steal their kill node and set them as our new target unless of course someone decided to kill us and nab them */
WITH COALESCE(t, a) as n, t
CREATE (n)-[nr:TARGET {killed:false,confirmed:false}]->(t)


  • 第 2 行, SET r.comfirmed...WITH结尾,但后面没有变量
  • 第 3 行, MATCH (t)<-...DELETE结尾,但下一行以MATCH开头 - 您需要在两者之间WITH


MATCH (a:Student)-[r:TARGET]->(t:Student) WHERE r.uuid = $uuid
/* Lets Kill the student and set confirmed to true */
SET r.confirmed = true, t.IsDead = true 
/* Delete any teachers that may have the target of the student*/
WITH a, t, r
MATCH (t)<-[tr:TARGET]-(:Teacher) DELETE r
/* Get the assassinated persons target. Set them as X. */
WITH a, t
MATCH (t)-[ar:TARGET]->(x:Student) WHERE ar.confirmed = false AND x.IsDead = false
/* Lets deal with anyone who inherited our target if we are dead :(*/
OPTIONAL MATCH (t)<-[sr:TARGET]-(ss:Student) WHERE sr.confirmed = false AND ss.IsDead = false
/* Lets steal their kill node and set them as our new target unless of course someone decided to kill us and nab them */
WITH COALESCE(t, a) as n, t
CREATE (n)-[nr:TARGET {killed:false,confirmed:false}]->(t)

但即便如此,它看起来也是错误的COALESCE总是会解析为t因为在查询中达到那么远的t必须有一个值,所以最后的CREATE只会在t和它自身之间创建一个关系。 另外: OPTIONAL MATCH引入了新变量ss但该变量没有在其他任何地方使用(使可选匹配有些多余)。



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