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MongoDB 和 Mongoose - 来自两个不同集合查询的 ID 不匹配

[英]MongoDB and Mongoose - id from two different collection queries not matching

我正在构建一个应用程序,人们可以在其中制作便餐并邀请其他用户参加他们的便餐。 我有一个似乎很简单的问题,但我无法让它工作:

我想创建一个邀请路线来检查 potluck.attendees 以查看他们之前是否被邀请过(并根据他们是 0-pending、1-attending还是重新邀请他们,如果他们之前被邀请过,发送不同的错误)并且他们的状态为 2 拒绝),如果不是,则将受邀者放入 potluck.attendees 对象数组中,并将potluck 的 _id 放入受邀者的 user.potluks 对象数组中。



const PotluckSchema = new Schema({
  attendees: [
      attendeeId: {
        type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        ref: 'User'
      status: Number,
      enums: [
        0, //'pending',
        1, //'attending',
        2 //'declined'


const UserSchema = new Schema({
  potlucks: [
      potluck: {
        type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        ref: 'Potluck'


router.put('/attendees/invite/:potluckId/:inviteeId', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const currPotluck = await db.Potluck.findOne({
      _id: req.params.potluckId,
      createdBy: req.user._id
    // Makes sure potluck belongs to user before allowing to invite
    if (!currPotluck)
      return res.status(401).json({
        msg: 'You are not authorized to invite people to this potluck.'
    const invitee = await db.User.findOne({ _id: req.params.inviteeId });


    for (let i = 0; i < currPotluck.attendees.length; i++) {
      //  Checks if invitee already exists in potluck.attendees
      //  and if their status is 0 or 1 (pending or attending)
      //  It will stop function
      if (
        currPotluck.attendees[i].attendeeId == invitee._id &&
        currPotluck.attendees[i].status == 0 ||
        currPotluck.attendees[i].attendeeId == invitee._id &&
        currPotluck.attendees[i].status == 1
      ) {
        return res.status(401).send({
          error: 'This member has already been invited to your potluck'
      } else if (
        currPotluck.attendees[i].attendeeId == invitee._id &&
        currPotluck.attendees[i].status == 2
      ) {
        //  if their status is 2 (declined)
        //  it will edit their existing object in the attendees array to pending
        //  and re-insert potluck in invitee's user.potlucks model
        await db.Potluck.findOneAndUpdate(
          { _id: currPotluck._id },
          { $set: { 'attendees.$[el].status': 0 } },
          { arrayFilters: [{ 'el.attendeeId': invitee._id }] }
        await db.User.findOneAndUpdate(
          { _id: invitee._id },
          { $push: { potlucks: { potluck: currPotluck._id } } }
        res.send(`This user has been re-invited to your potluck!`);
    // If they don't exist already in potluck.attendees, create new object
    // in potlucks.attendees and user.potlucks for invitee
    await db.Potluck.findOneAndUpdate(
      { _id: currPotluck._id },
      { $push: { attendees: { attendeeId: invitee._id, status: 0 } } }
    await db.User.findOneAndUpdate(
      { _id: invitee._id },
      { $push: { potlucks: { potluck: currPotluck._id } } }
    res.send(`This user has been invited to your potluck!`);
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(500).send('Server Error');


如果我在邮递员中运行此代码,它将运行在 for 循环之后的两个“findOneAndUpdate”,无论是否匹配。 在尝试调试时,我在 console.logged 中同时记录了invitee._idcurrPotluck.attendees[i].attendeeId (对于我知道受邀者已经存在于数组中的测试),它们都显示为相同的 ID。

但是,如果我尝试使用console.log (currPootluck.attendees[i].attendeeId == invitee._id)每次都会出现false 我为两者做了一个“类型”,它们作为对象出现,它们在 console.logs 中似乎是相同的类型 - 可能是字符串?


currPootluck.attendees[i].attendeeIdinvitee._id都是ObjectIds ,为了检查它们是否相同,您必须先将其转换为字符串。

这应该可以完成这项工作: currPootluck.attendees[i].attendeeId.toString() == invitee._id.toString()


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