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如何获得多次删除循环双向链表节点的函数? (C)

[英]How do I Get This Function to Delete Nodes of Circular Doubly Linked List more than Once? (C)

我必须从链表中删除每个 k 节点。 当以 k = 2 调用此函数时,它会删除第二个节点,但之后不再删除。 这是函数:

void remove(soldier* list, int n, int k)
    soldier* head = list;
    int counter = n;

    if (head == NULL)

    soldier *curr = head;
    soldier *prev1 = head;
    while (counter != 0) {

        if (curr->next == head && curr == head)


        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            prev1 = curr;
            curr = curr->next;

        if (curr == head) {
            head = curr;
            prev1 = head;
            while (prev1->next != head)
                prev1 = prev1->next;
            head = curr->next;
            prev1->next = head;
            list = head;

        else if (curr->next == head) {
            prev1->next = head;
        else {
            prev1->next = curr->next;


remove(front, n, k);

n = 5,k = 2,我得到这个输出:

1 2 3 4 5
1 3 4 5
1 3 4 5
1 3 4 5
1 3 4 5

我应该怎么做才能让每行输出删除另一个? 谢谢。

如果我知道您想从双向链接的循环链表中删除第 k节点,则如您的问题所示,例如,如果列表包含:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

使用k=2 ,您需要删除2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 3, ...直到列表为空。 这有点像一个由两部分组成的问题。 (1) 删除第 k节点,以及 (2) 增加第 k位置,使其现在指向刚删除的节点之后的k节点。 这可以通过多种方式实现。 可能最实用的是实现删除k节点的功能,然后在需要时编写一个包装函数来更新计数器,以便按顺序删除下一个节点。


/** delete kth node in doubly-linked circular list from node *l
 *  returns pointer to new node at address of deleted node or NULL if
 *  list now empty.
node_t *delkthnode (node_t **l, size_t kth)
    node_t  **ppn = l,      /* pointer to pointer to node */
            *pn = *l;       /* pointer to node */

    size_t n = kth ? kth - 1 : 1;   /* set no. to advance (1-based index) */

    if (pn == pn->next) {           /* last node left in list? */
        free (pn);                  /* free node */
        return *ppn = NULL;         /* set address for node to NULL */

    while (n--) {                   /* loop to kth node */
        ppn = &pn->next;            /* update current address to next */
        pn = pn->next;              /* update current node to next */

    *ppn = pn->next;                /* set current address to next node */
    (*ppn)->prev = pn->prev;        /* set current->prev to next->prev */
    if (pn->next == *l)             /* deleting tail node? */
        (*ppn)->prev->next = *l;    /* set new end->next to head */
    if (pn == *l)                   /* if current node is head */
        *l = *ppn;                  /* update list adddress to current */

    free (pn);      /* free node memory */

    return *ppn;    /* return pointer to new node at address of removed node */



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef NNODES
#define NNODES 10

typedef struct node_t {     /* list node */
    int data;
    struct node_t *prev, *next;
} node_t;

/** create new node initialize all members */
node_t *createnode (int v)
    node_t *node = malloc (sizeof *node);   /* allocate node */
    if (!node) {                            /* validate allocation */
        perror ("malloc-node");
        return NULL;
    node->data = v;                         /* initialize members values */
    node->prev = node->next = NULL;

    return node;    /* return new node */

/** add node at end of list */
node_t *add (node_t **l, int v)
    node_t *node = createnode (v);      /* allocate node */
    if (!node)                          /* validate allocation */
        return NULL;

    if (!*l) {                          /* 1st node is self-referencing */
        *l = node;                      /* set head to node */
        (*l)->prev = (*l)->next = node; /* set prev & next to node */
    else {                              /* otherwise - insert as new tail */
        node->prev = (*l)->prev;        /* node->prev is list->prev */
        node->next = *l;                /* node->next is head */
        (*l)->prev->next = node;        /* tail-next is node */
        (*l)->prev = node;              /* head->prev is node */

    return node;    /* return new node */

/** delete kth node in doubly-linked circular list from node *l
 *  returns pointer to new node at address of deleted node or NULL if
 *  list now empty.
node_t *delkthnode (node_t **l, size_t kth)
    node_t  **ppn = l,      /* pointer to pointer to node */
            *pn = *l;       /* pointer to node */

    size_t n = kth ? kth - 1 : 1;   /* set no. to advance (1-based index) */

    if (pn == pn->next) {           /* last node left in list? */
        free (pn);                  /* free node */
        return *ppn = NULL;         /* set address for node to NULL */

    while (n--) {                   /* loop to kth node */
        ppn = &pn->next;            /* update current address to next */
        pn = pn->next;              /* update current node to next */

    *ppn = pn->next;                /* set current address to next node */
    (*ppn)->prev = pn->prev;        /* set current->prev to next->prev */
    if (pn->next == *l)             /* deleting tail node? */
        (*ppn)->prev->next = *l;    /* set new end->next to head */
    if (pn == *l)                   /* if current node is head */
        *l = *ppn;                  /* update list adddress to current */

    free (pn);      /* free node memory */

    return *ppn;    /* return pointer to new node at address of removed node */

void dellist (node_t *l)
    if (!l) {
        puts ("list-empty");

    node_t *iter = l->next;

    do {
        node_t *victim = iter;
        iter = iter->next;
        free (victim);
    } while (iter != l);
    free (l);

void prnlist_fwd (node_t *l)
    node_t *iter = l;

    if (!l) {
        puts ("list-empty");

    do {
        printf (" %d", iter->data);
        iter = iter->next;
    } while (iter != l);

    putchar ('\n');

void prnlist_rev (node_t *l)
    if (!l) {
        puts ("list-empty");

    node_t *iter = l->prev;

    do {
        printf (" %d", iter->data);
        iter = iter->prev;
    } while (iter != l->prev);

    putchar ('\n');

int main (void) {

    node_t  *list = NULL;
    int kth = 2;

    for (int i = 0; i < NNODES; i++)    /* loop NNODES times */
        add (&list, i+1);               /* add node with i+1 value to list */

    prnlist_fwd (list);                 /* print original list fwd/rev */
    prnlist_rev (list);
    putchar ('\n');

    while (delkthnode (&list, kth++)) {
        prnlist_fwd (list);             /* print updated list fwd/rev */
        prnlist_rev (list);
        putchar ('\n');

    dellist (list);


    int kth = 2;
    while (delkthnode (&list, kth++)) {
        prnlist_fwd (list);             /* print updated list fwd/rev */
        prnlist_rev (list);
        putchar ('\n');




$ ./bin/lldcir_del_kthnode
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1

 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 1

 1 3 5 7 8 9 10
 10 9 8 7 5 3 1

 1 3 5 7 9 10
 10 9 7 5 3 1

 1 3 5 7 9
 9 7 5 3 1

 1 5 7 9
 9 7 5 1

 1 5 7
 7 5 1

 1 5
 5 1



或者在您的确切情况下,列表为1, 2, 3, 4, 5

$ ./bin/lldcir_del_kthnode
 1 2 3 4 5
 5 4 3 2 1

 1 3 4 5
 5 4 3 1

 1 3 5
 5 3 1

 3 5
 5 3



希望这就是你的意图。 仔细检查一下,如果您还有其他问题,请告诉我。 (注意:您可能需要调整测试并添加额外的验证以捕获所有极端情况——这由您决定)


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