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C# Hash 和使用 Google KMS 验证 JWT

[英]C# Hash and Verify JWT using Google KMS

我们需要使用自定义的 AsymmetricSecurityKey 散列和验证 JWT 令牌,该密钥使用 Google Cloud KMS API 来签署/验证令牌。


public override byte[] Sign(byte[] input)
    string projectId = "<PROJECT-ID>";

    string location = "global";

    var locationName = new LocationName(projectId, location);

    // Instantiate a Cloud KMS client.
    var client = KeyManagementServiceClient.Create();

    var cryptoKeyVersion = new CryptoKeyVersionName(projectId, location, "test", "asymmetric-signing-key", "1");

    var publicKey = client.GetPublicKey(cryptoKeyVersion);

    byte[] hashedInput;
    using (var hasher = SHA256.Create())
        hashedInput = hasher.ComputeHash(input);

    var digest = new Digest
        Sha256 = ByteString.CopyFrom(hashedInput)

    var asymmetricSignResponse = client.AsymmetricSign(cryptoKeyVersion, digest);

    var output = asymmetricSignResponse.Signature.ToByteArray();

    return output;


此处用于创建和验证数字签名的 Google KMS 文档没有针对 .NET C# 的实现


我找到了一个可能对您有用的存储库,其中包含用于 NetCore 和 AspNet 的 KMS 示例。

此示例需要 .NET Core 2.0 或更高版本。 这意味着使用 Visual Studio 2017 或命令行。




我们正在努力将这些样本集中在一起并发布在我们的文档中( 请参阅此处)。 下面是一个例子:

KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.Create();
CryptoKeyVersionName keyVersionName = new CryptoKeyVersionName(
    projectId, locationId, keyRingId, cryptoKeyId, cryptoKeyVersionId);

byte[] content = File.ReadAllBytes(contentFile);
byte[] signature = File.ReadAllBytes(signatureFile);

string pubKeyPem = client.GetPublicKey(keyVersionName).Pem;
PemReader reader = new PemReader(new StringReader(pubKeyPem));
byte[] publicKeyInfoBytes = reader.ReadPemObject().Content;
AsymmetricKeyParameter key = PublicKeyFactory.CreateKey(publicKeyInfoBytes);

// The algorithm string to use will vary depending on the algorithm associated
// with the CryptoKeyVersion. `SignerUtilities.cs` in BouncyCastle source
// contains a mapping of algorithm strings.
// "SHA512withRSA/PSS" and "SHA256withRSA" (for PKCS1) are also useful example
// values.
const string algorithm = "SHA256withECDSA";

ISigner signer = SignerUtilities.GetSigner(algorithm);
signer.Init(false, key);
signer.BlockUpdate(content, 0, content.Length);
bool verified = signer.VerifySignature(signature);

Console.Write($"Signature verified: {verified}");


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