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在 React 中删除和复制数组元素

[英]Deleting and copying array elements in React

我的任务是在我们的一张桌子上添加一个复制和删除按钮。 我正在尝试将索引从地图传递到删除并复制 onclick,这确实删除了但是...


我的印象是,如果我将 setRows() 设置为新的东西,它会再次运行映射并在每个函数中为它们提供所有正确的 i,但情况似乎并非如此,为什么?

const AdvancedTable = () => {
    const [rows, setRows] = useState(tableRows); ///tableRows is basically an array of divs
    const deleteOnClick = (i: number) => {
        setRows(() => {
            const myRows = [...rows];
            myRows.splice(i, 1);
            return myRows;
    const copyOnClick = (i: number) => {
        setRows(() => {
            const myRows = [...rows];
            myRows.splice(i, 0, rows[i]);
            return myRows;
    return (

                         rows.map((row: any, i: number) => (
                                         <IconButton onClick={() => { deleteOnClick(i) }} size="small">
                                             <ClearIcon />
                                         <IconButton onClick={() => { copyOnClick(i) }} size="small">
                                             <FileCopyIcon />

export default AdvancedTable;


也许这可以帮助您假设您可以使用 .i 从行对象中调用 i 值

const copyOnClick = (i: number) => {
    setRows(() => {
        const myRows = [...rows];
        // send the new row to the end of the array
        myRows.splice(rows.length, 0, rows[i]);
        // change the new row i value to + 1 of the last object that was previously in the array
        myRows[myRows.pop().i].i = rows.pop().i + 1
        return myRows;


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