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C# CRUD 问题 - UPDATE 面板无法正常工作

[英]C# CRUD problem - The UPDATE panel does not work as I expect

我尝试制作一个支持完整 CRUD 的程序,但是...更新部分不起作用

   using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Text;

        namespace MyLibary.Models
            class UpdateBooks
                public void updateCompBook()
                    using (var bookUp = new BookContext())
                        // This is a full CRUD program that saves books in a databases
                        // I have some problems with the Update part..
                        ShowFutureBooks bookShow = new ShowFutureBooks(); 
                        bookShow.FutureBooks(); // shows all three books

                        Console.WriteLine("Type the id of the book you want to update"); // currently there is 3 books saved in the database

                        int id = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // lets say i that i choose the if 1

                        // what i would like to do and cannot, is that get only the book that has id 1 so that i can update it

                        Console.WriteLine("Update the book according to following: BookName, BookAuthor, BookSummary");

                        BooksToRead bU = new BooksToRead()
                            BookName = Console.ReadLine()
                          , BookAuthor = Console.ReadLine()
                          , BookSumary = Console.ReadLine()
                        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to save changes.");
                        Console.WriteLine("The bok has been updated!");


我想从数据库中获取一本书 id,然后更新那本特定的书,但它不起作用。


    BooksToRead bU = new BooksToRead()
        BookName = Console.ReadLine()
        , BookAuthor = Console.ReadLine()
        , BookSumary = Console.ReadLine()

创建一个新的 BooksToRead 对象,然后将其添加到列表中。 这实际上将执行插入而不是更新。 您必须遍历您的列表并找到带有插入 id 的 BooksToRead 对象,然后在保存之前更改其值。


var bookToEdit = bookUp.BooksToRead.Find( id );


bookToEdit.BookName = Console.ReadLine();



当向您的应用程序添加 crud 时,我建议将其放在一个类中。 然后这个类将以名称repository结束(查找它你会发现很多例子)。

public class BookRepository
    /// <summary>
    /// This method will update the entity by using the bookId.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bookId">The is of the book</param>
    /// <param name="name">The book Name (to be updated)</param>
    /// <param name="author">The book author (to be updated)</param>
    /// <param name="summary">The book summary (to be updated)</param>
    public void Update(int bookId, string name, string author, string summary)
        var _context = new BookContext();
        var myBook = _context.Books.First(book => g.bookId == bookId);//finds the first entity with the given bookId
        myBook.name = name;//this for all variables
        _context.SaveChanges();//save the changes to the database.

调用方法将类似于: new BookRepository.Update(0, "", "", ""); .

请注意,以上只是一个简单的例子。 需要进行一些更改才能使其适用于您的特定数据模型。 请参阅以下链接以了解有关存储库模式的更多信息。


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