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如何使用 node.js 读取真正的大型 JSON 文件并将该文件的数据插入到 MYSQL 数据库中?

[英]How to read really LARGE JSON file and insert that file's data into a MYSQL database using node.js?

我有很大的 JSON 文件(22GB)。 我想读取该文件并使用 node.js 将该文件的数据输入到 MySql 数据库中。 我怎样才能做到这一点?


var query = connection.query("INSERT INTO hotels (property_id, name, address,city, state_province_name, postal_code, 
        country_code, star_rate, latitude, longitude, category, rank, collect, property_collect, featured_image, breakfast_included, free_wifi_available) 
VALUES ('" + .... + "', .........;

我为此找到了解决方案。 谢谢,所有试图帮助我的人。


var mysql = require('mysql');

//connect to db
var dbCon  = mysql.createPool({
   connectionLimit : 50,
   host: 'xxxxx',
   user: 'xxx',
   password: 'xxx',
   database: 'xxxxx',
   waitForConnections: true,
   queueLimit: 0,

 dbCon.on('connection', function (connection) {
    console.log('db pool connection');
    connection.query("SET time_zone='+5:30'");

 dbCon.on('release', function (connection) {
    console.log('Connection %d released', connection.threadId);

 module.exports = {


var express = require('express');
var app   = express();
var dbCon = require('./config/db').dbCon;
var fs = require('fs');
var readline = require('readline');
var stream = require('stream');
var data = '';

// Create a readable stream
var readerStream = fs.createReadStream('./data/myJson.jsonl');

// Set the encoding to be utf8. 

var outstream = new stream();
//createInterface - read through the stream line by line and print out data from it
var r1 = readline.createInterface(readerStream, outstream);
var lineCount = 0;

r1.on('line', function (line) {
  // increment line count
  data = JSON.parse(line);


function saveRecord(data) {

if (typeof data["city "] !== 'undefined') {
    var cityTemp = data["city"];
} else {
    cityTemp = "";

var property_id = data["property_id"];
var name = data["name"];
var city = cityTemp;

var sql = "INSERT INTO hotels (property_id, name, city) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

dbCon.query(sql, [property_id, name, city]);

console.log('data inserted');

console.log("Program Ended");

对于这个大文件,流式传输是最好的方式。 有一个名为etl的包可以为您完成这项工作。 像这样的东西

  .pipe(etl.mysql.upsert(pool,'testschema','testtable',{concurrency:4 }))


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